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What is Freelancermap?

Successful networking!

Your Skills. Your Platform.

freelancermap has been helping companies connect with freelancers for over 17 years, saving them valuable time in the acquisition process.

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Freelancer Study 2024

The freelancermap market study shows you interesting facts and insights about the global IT freelance market.


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Suitable freelancers will be notified if your project matches their skills. Our system will also suggest matching freelancers you could invite to your project.


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Over 30,800 clients use freelancermap to find experienced freelancers for their projects. Contact them, ask them for a proposal, and get them to work!

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Your projects. Your platform.

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What users say about us has a clean and clear interface. The job descriptions are very accurate and professional, posted by serious clients.

Razvan Coca
Razvan Coca  - 
Member since 2015

The project quality at freelancermap is better than on other freelancing websites! The clients publish detailed project descriptions and define what skills they are looking for. They are also ready to pay good price for the suitable freelancers!

Jani Tarkiainen
Jani Tarkiainen  - 
Member since 2015

freelancermap is very a interesting platform with a user-friendly interface. I’ve worked with a lot of platforms and there’s often a lot of drama. But, freelancemap and the freelancermap team help me all the time when I need help. These guys are really great. I highly recommend freelancermap!

Eugenia Tokmakova
Eugenia Tokmakova  - 
Member since 2016

I got hired on the first project I ever applied to. It was a reputable and well known client and I found the process very smooth

Francisco Cortes
Francisco Cortes  - 
Member since 2022

Top projects


Job Title: German Native Content Writer – Travel & Mobility Niche

Moonshots Listed: 07.02.2025
Location: Remote Employment Type: Freelance / Part-Time Languages: German (native), English (for communication with us) About Us We are a leading provider of travel and mobility-related content, offering detailed, …