Short description
axantis AGInformation
Unternehmensübersicht axantis AG - is a well known international IT Company and Serviceprovider as a well as a well-established agency for IT freelancer since 1999.To staff our interesting IT projects and Jobs we are looking for experienced IT Professional/Contractor in the areas SAP, Data Warehouse (cognos, TM1, analytics, businessobjects, microsoft), Application Development (java, j2ee, .net, c#), Systemmanagement (database, operating systems), Testing/Testmanagement and Infrastructure (Microsoft world)
axantis AG is working for companies like SAP, HP, IBM, t-systems, Logica, IDS-Scheer, Deloitte, Ernst&Young, CGI, Fujitsu....
Herkunft axantis: axantis ist abgeleitet von \"axis\". Das Wort \"axis\" stammt aus dem Griechischen (Αξις) und bedeutet Achse.
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