Profileimage by Falk Augustin Project & Launch manager, logistic planner from Wallgau

Falk Augustin


Last update: 23.11.2023

Project & Launch manager, logistic planner

Company: kis-logistics
Graduation: Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: German (Native or Bilingual) | English (Full Professional)




Projektmangament im Bereich Produktlaunch für Produktions- und Logistikthemen
Prozessplanung und Optimierung
 - Verpackungsplanung
 - Materialflussplanung
 - Produktionsprozessgestaltung
- Lager und Transportmittelplanung
 - Value Stream Mapping
 - Analysetools wie Gap-Anlayse, 5Why, 8D etc.
 - Ishikawa Diagramm / 5M
Moderation von Workshops

Technologischer Background im Produktionsumfeld mit bereichsübergreifendem Verständnis und Handlungsspielraum.

Erfahrungen im Umfeld:
- Automotive & System- 1st / 2nd tier Lieferanten
- E-Mobility
- Kunsstofffertigung
- Sonder- Maschinenebau
- Semiconduktor & Solarfertigung
- Optik&Laserfertigung
- Battery 
- Startup-Begleitung 

Project history

11/2022 - Present
Sr. Consult for logistics planning
Maag Germany GmbH (Industry and mechanical engineering, 500-1000 employees)

1. Trouble Shooting für Lager und Logistikprozesse.
2. Ursachenanalyse & Ableitung von kurz- mittel- und langfristigen Maßnahmen.
3. Materialfluss und Logistikplanung (long term).
4. Planung und Realisierung von Logistikneuausrichtung inkl. Neu- und Umbau eines innerbetrieblichen Logistikzentrums.

06/2021 - 07/2022
Sr. Consult for logistics planning
Norma GmbH (Automotive and vehicle construction, >10.000 employees)

Produktionsplanung & Layoutkonzept für Unternehmensverlagerung am Hauptstandort.
Projektmanagement: Definition, Planung, Realisierung und Überwachung aller notwendigen Maßnahmen.
Optimierung Intralogistik, Lagerplanung, Prozessdefinition.

10/2020 - 05/2021
Task-Force Lieferanten Betreuung
Mercedes Benz (Automotive and vehicle construction, >10.000 employees)

Absicherung Lieferkette bei einem Zulieferer für E-Komponenten in Tschechien.
Optimierung der Liefer- und Produktionskette bim Lieferanten. Kurzfristige Potentialanalyse, definieren von Maßnahmen und Umstellen bzw. Überwachen der Umsetzung. 24/7 Observation der Produktion. Daily Reporting to Customer.

04/2020 - 08/2020
Sr. Consult for Logistics Planning
Evum Motors GmbH (Automotive and vehicle construction, 50-250 employees)

Logistics planning for automotive production. 
- Master data management
- Process planning
- TUL calculation and realization

11/2019 - 04/2020
Sr. Manager for Logistics planning
IAC Group - Cottondale US (Automotive and vehicle construction, 5000-10.000 employees)

Gap Analysis for production, quality, and logistic planning activities in front of the production lauch of door panels to Mercedes Benz United Staates Industries (MBUSI)
Observing production launch and reporting progress to MBUSI and Daimler Germany
Supporting activities:
- Master data management
- Process planning
- TUL planning


11/2018 - 11/2019
Sr. Project Management
Ghost Bikes GmbH / Accel Group (Consumer goods and retail, 500-1000 employees)

Project management for an interdisciplinary project,
Coordination of product management, engineering, procurement, and marketing tasks
Reporting to internal customers
SCM and Quality Management for the main supplier in Portugal

09/2017 - 12/2018
Interim Logistics Management and Process planning
Joyson Group (Automotive and vehicle construction, 5000-10.000 employees)

Logistics planning incl. packaging &transport planning,
Material flow planning between suppliers,
Production sites and customer,
Production process planning incl ERP process planning

11/2016 - 08/2017
Sr. Consult for Production and Logistics optimisation
ceramtec meditec (Pharmaceuticals and medical technology, 1000-5000 employees)

Gap analysis and value stream mapping to identify potentials 
Lead optimization program at customer

11/2016 - 08/2017
Sr. Consult for Production, Logistics and SCM
Ujet Sarl (Automotive and vehicle construction, 50-250 employees)

production process and logistics planning
procurement for special parts 
implementation of small parts management

07/2016 - 10/2016
Project Management
team technic group (Industry and mechanical engineering, 1000-5000 employees)

PM for customer projects
internal and external reporting

07/2015 - 12/2015
Interim head of production
Manz AG (Industry and mechanical engineering, 1000-5000 employees)

Head of Production and Loggistics
Ressource and production planning (Manual MRP)
Observe the implementation of new machinery and installations
Daily reporting to project management and customer (Apple Inc.)

02/2014 - 06/2015
Manager Logistics Planning
Manz AG

Manz AG
Optimisation and redesign for logistic and production processes

08/2012 - 01/2014
Project Manager Product Launch

Zeiss AG, Division Laser Optics / SMT
Responsible for technology transfer from R&D to volume production considering manufacturing and invest
Design a supplier network incl. supply strategies and SCM

08/2009 - 06/2012
Head of Logistics
Blaubeuren; centrotherm photovoltaics AG

centrotherm photovoltaics AG
International cross-plant business process planning for material processes
Coordination for ERP- and MRP System
Personnel management for warehouse and logistics staff

10/2007 - 07/2009
Project Buyer, Project Manager
Blaubeuren; centrotherm photovoltaics AG

centrotherm photovoltaics AG
Subproject leader for supplier and material managements
Purchasing for division Environment

Local Availability

Open to travel worldwide
Reisebereitschaft weltweit
Profileimage by Falk Augustin Project & Launch manager, logistic planner from Wallgau Project & Launch manager, logistic planner