Cesar oniel Azpilcueta Nájera


Last update: 09.03.2019

Angular, .net, fullstack

Company: Arusoft
Graduation: Engineer
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Spanish (Native or Bilingual)


Have a lot experience on transport logistics. 

I build software that optimize diesel, send notifications to slack, ryver, push notifications, email.

I have experience on angular, .net, restApi, bootstrap, entity, a-frame, ts, js, angularjs.

Project history

Alert GPS system.
tracking gps.
fifo truck system.
Control trailer system.
Notifications system.
Purchase order with providers portal.

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Mexico
Profileimage by Cesaroniel AzpilcuetaNjera Angular, .net, fullstack from Angular, .net, fullstack