Profileimage by Charlie Bluehawk 35 years in global corporate management and consulting from Prague

Charlie Bluehawk


Last update: 28.03.2023

35 years in global corporate management and consulting

Graduation: BA; Business; 1979; USA
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Native or Bilingual)


Big Data, Blockchain, CMDB, Configuration Management, Database design, SQL, SAP, Database, DevOps, spyware, malware, Penetration Testing, ITIL, Bitcoin, SOX, Windows 95, Windows 7 System Administrator, System Administration, Windows 7, Outlook, Anti-virus, laptops, backup, backups, Mac OSX, Mac, Excel, Sharepoint, Windows 8, Data modeling, Common Language Dictionary, data warehouse, SEO, CRM, Network Monitoring, database security, SIP, Remedy, Primavera, ITIL instruction (Foundation), email notifications, IBM, Change Management, J-SOX, user accounts, Mainframe, databases, COBiT, JSOX, DSL library, Sarbanes Oxley, DSL, Unidata, data model, evidence collection, wireless networks, Visio, Unidata database, AIX, Oracle databases, Visio Pro, local network, document library, wireless network, Ask, quality standards, quality control

Project history

07/2010 - 01/2011
SEO Global Director
Global Company Consults, s.r.o. (Czechia)

Global Company Consults, s.r.o. (Czechia)

Duties: International SEO Marketing Director
* Responsible for global business development
* Responsible for sales and marketing
* Design of marketing campaigns
* Business process improvement: discovery, documentation, process, policy.
* ISO 20000 compliance
* Creation of CMDB
* Accomplishments: Standardization of procedures, processes, and internal company policies in
accordance with ISO 20000 compliance.

Business or sector Information and communication

01/2009 - 04/2010
Senior Project Manager
Meridian Southwest, Inc.

Meridian Southwest, Inc. (United States)

Duties: Senior ICT Consulting: IT Outsourcing: Sales, Pre-Sales, Marketing
* Responsible for handling pre-sale, sale, contracts, and accounting for software development projects
* Clients in Canada, Germany, USA. Contractors in Hong Kong, Singapore, India.
* Direct reports (staff): 5
* Accomplishments: I was brought in on a short term assignment after negotiations for a software
development contract had already begun and the project was falling apart.

* No one at any of the companies involved had any real experience in international business
contracts, banking procedures, and no one had correctly determined the required skills for the
software development (the software developers assigned to the project did not have the correct skill
sets to actually develop the software to the clients specifications).
* After speaking with all parties concerned, I managed to get the business contracts in order, get the
correct developers assigned to the project, conducted User Testing, got final approval of the finished
software package, and closed the contract successfully.

Business or sector Information and communication

05/2008 - 01/2009
ICT project manager

NSPIRE (New Zealand)

Duties: ITIL Master / Senior Project Manager / Security Auditor.
* Designing extensive Service Desk and Projects Lifecycle Management system, including CMDB,
CRM, Financial Oversight, Network Architecture, Network Monitoring, Segregation of Duties, Change
Control, Incident Management, Problem Management in one centralized database.
* Created taxonomy standards for policies and procedures (common technical language).
* Created security awareness documentation for both employees and management. Created security
procedures for termination of employees. Created operational library covering IT Governance.
* Created customer database security policies and procedure.
* Created and maintained Asset Management database for major projects at On Track and ESR.
* Consulting on various ITIL implementation projects for customers.
* Direct reports (staff): 0
* Accomplishments: I recommended to NSPIRE senior management that if they created their own ITIL
compliant CMDB and then sold that as a service to their customers, then their customers (by default)
would become ITIL compliant.
* This recommendation was approved, and I was tasked with the project.
* I created a full suite of ITIL documents to support the ITIL compliance project
* I successfully completed various projects for NSPIRE Clients

Business or sector Information and communication

11/2007 - 04/2008
ICT project manager
Gen-i / Telecom

Gen-i / Telecom (New Zealand)

Duties: Senior Project Manager / ITIL Master
* Overseeing multiple projects, including SAN Disaster Recovery projects for both the New Zealand
Ministry of Justice and ONTRACK (New Zealand National Railway).
* Project Manager: BAU (Business as Usual) and SIP (Service Improvement Programme) at
Department of Corrections, including implementation of ITIL (Staff of 21, supporting 250 end users).
* Reviewed and created consolidation Project Plan for major ticketing systems within the production
environment to interface with each other (Remedy, Primavera, SAP, Artemis, Vantive, Peregrine-HP,
* I supervised the activation of the various key SAP modules for: project management, finance, asset
* Created Project Plans for Department of Corrections for Business As Usual and Service
Improvement projects.
* Created operational procedures covering IT Governance.
* Also lead on internal projects for company wide improvement plans, including finance (SAP), ITIL
instruction (Foundation), ITIL implementation, work force, health and safety.
* Direct reports (staff): 28
* Accomplishments: I acted as Senior Project Manager for an average of 12 to 19 projects at any one
* Internal Financial Project:

Curriculum vitae

* I was tasked by the Gen-i Vice President to determine how to solve their monthly billing problems
(losses of $2.5 - $3.0 million per month in billing mistakes).
* I determined that of the 11 totally separate ticketing systems currently in use at Telecom (none of
which communicated with each other, and that no employee had access to all of them) that the SAP
system was the best candidate to control not just billing, but project management as well, since all the
necessary modules had been paid for and installed.
* All that was required was to activate all the SAP modules, and then to pay a yearly licensing fee of
$500,000 to give all staff access to SAP. This would also give financial overview of each project, as
well as a standardized template for project management, while saving the company $35 million dollars
a year.
* I was tasked to do a Service Improvement Program (SIP) with the client: Department of Corrections
(a Ministry of the New Zealand government).
* I determined that no one on the project had a clear concept of what the contracted obligations were
to the customer because the contracts had been misplaced. I assigned one of my Business Analysts
to do nothing but locate and codify the missing contracts.
* I also put a stop to adding addendums to contracts with email notifications (as these always got lost,
or were deleted when a staff member quit -at a turnover loss of 70% of staff per year company wide).
* I discovered that there was a secure IP communication network already in place to transfer secured
data over the interview between the customer and Telecom (which includes blueprints to all prisons in
New Zealand).
* I reported this to management for immediate action.
* I discovered that none of the servers hosting the customer's data were secured (either data or
physical), as the sub-contractor (EDS) would not provide any information on the physical location of
the services, nor whether these were stand alone boxes, or multiple drives in a single box - ad
violating security protocols.
* I reported this to management for immediate action.

Business or sector Information and communication

02/2007 - 08/2007
Business consultant
Nissan North America

Nissan North America (United States)

Duties: ITIL Master; Project Manager; Acting Nissan Change Manager - Nissan North America
(Canada, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, India): I/S Consultant Service Management Analyst. ITIL
Consultant: Analysis, Policies and Processes.
* Review controls, policies, and procedures for Change Management, Problem Management, Incident
Management, Multi-vendor Management (Satyam - Smyrna, IBM - Colorado), and Service Desk.
* Advisor to Nissan Executive Change Manager on policies, processes, procedures, and end user
* Acting Change Manager representing Nissan (Staff of 210, supporting 50,000 end users) to IBM
controlled Change Management process.
* Worked on IBM based Remedy rollout, implementation, and end-user training. I needed to make the
remedy Tool ITIL compliant.
* Creating and presenting Executive Overviews to Nissan Senior Management on Change
Management Audit Remediation (Corporate Communications Specialist), creating a "common
technical language".
* Created operational library covering IT Governance.
* Consulted on, and audited remediation on all Financial Applications, including SAP to satisfy external
auditor points of concern (Deloitte).
* Reviewed and consulted on outside code developer (Satyam) processes and procedures for their
internal Change Management (code promotion policies) within the Nissan contract.
* Created project plan to resolve conflicts of response and resolution times for external Vendors
(Satyam and IBM).
* Consulted on international integration of training (including creation of training materials for cross
department education), policies, and processes for global resource connectivity for support services
(including Change Management, SOX, J-SOX) linking Nissan USA (NNA) with Nissan Mexico

(NMEX), and Nissan Brazil (NBA).
* Direct reports (staff): 210
* Accomplishments: I was hired to handle the ITIL Compliance project initiated by Nissan North
America, that was experimenting with a plan to "on source" all support departments, while Nissan
Japan was experimenting with bringing all support departments in house.
* As part of my primary task, I reviewed all pre-existing documentation (vendor contracts, SLAs, SLOs,
procedures, etc.
* As part of my primary task: I attended all international telephone conferences between Nissan
departments, as well as vendors (principal vendors: Satyam, IBM), and the external Auditors
* As part of my primary task: I was required to response to, and design ITIL compliant solutions to
various Deloitte audit points: which included 17,000 "unknown user accounts" on the Nissan
Mainframe - in Mainframe environments a User Account can be tied directly to specific manufacturing
process - so you could not deleted 17,000 unknown users account because you would then shut
down all manufacturing processes worldwide.
* Deloitte also wanted documented proof of "segregation of duties" in relation to how secure the
company's financial databases were which contained customer information.
* I had to base my solutions on ITIL, COBiT, SOX and JSOX standards (Nissan North American is in
a "Free Enterprise Zone" and therefore technically on Japanese soil, and under direct requirement to
comply with Japanese government standards). With the help of Satyam, I documented a procedure
that demonstrated that there was "segregation of duties" and that management had oversight of the

Business or sector Manufacturing

08/2006 - 02/2007
ITIL Master
Far East Technologies

Far East Technologies (United States)

Duties: ITIL Foundation Instructor (version 2.0): Teaching three day seminars on ITIL / ITSM process
* Direct reports (staff): 0
* Accomplishments: I successfully held classes of IT professionals to take their ITIL Foundation exams
(success rate: 85%).

Business or sector Information and communication

10/2005 - 11/2006
99¢ Only Stores (Corporate Headquarters)

99¢ Only Stores (Corporate Headquarters) (United States)

Duties: Senior Project Manager: Technical Services. ITIL Consultant. SOX Pre-Audit; Gathering and
formatting key documentation (Security (including Lawson) / Operations / Governance /
Development / Change Management / Applications) for internal and external auditors. ITSM Auditing
of server room hardware, creation and auditing of DSL library.
* Completed successful SOX (Sarbanes Oxley), ITIL, and COBiT (Framework 3) compliance project.
* ITIL Consultant: Created complete ITIL - DSL compliant library of operations procedures (including
detailed install / admin / maintenance / and user procedures on Voxware, Highjump, Unidata, Lawson,
Foy, BSI, Express Options, Dell SAN, etc.).
* Project Manager: Technical Services (Staff of 21, supporting 10,000 end users) - created data model
specs for the creation of a CMDB; managed evidence collection and evidence creation teams.
Created taxonomy standards for policies and procedures (common technical language).
* Created operational procedures covering IT Governance.
* Created Disaster Recovery Procedure.
* Mapped and wrote trouble-shooting procedures for warehouse wireless networks. Wrote numerous
Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Statements of Work (SOW) while managing policies and
procedures documentation teams. Created stand-alone documents for the installation, maintenance,
and user guides for both the Voxware system, and the Dell SAN.
* Direct reports (staff): 21

Curriculum vitae

* Accomplishments: I was originally hired as an independent consultant to upgrade the hardware /
software of a US$ 1 billion dollars a year retailer (330 retail outlets in four states, plus seven
* The IT environment has evolved over the years using people who had no experience in IT at all, and
thus the systems were not standardized in any way at all, no documentation existed, no backup files
were every made.
* Point of Sale (POS) registers were actually desktop PCs that were pieced together from third hand
vendors (no new equipment was every purchased) and were running virus infected "legacy" software
that averaged a 70% downtime.
* I implemented a policy of documentation of all procedures, processes, and procedures.
* I implemented a policy of purchasing new hardware that was specifically designed to run specific "off
the shelf" software that was then configured by seasoned professional software technicians.
* I implemented a Change Management process, complete with both TAB and CAB meetings
* This company had a 120% turnover rate of 10,000 staff per year.
* Employees in many cases did not speak English or Spanish, but instead spoke Mexican Indian tribal
languages that no on within the company spoke - I implemented a Visio based teaching system that
was completely non-verbal, as may of these people were tasked to drive fork lifts and loaders in the
warehouse with no understanding of their tasks or of any safety procedures.
* I was Project Manager for the conversion of Unidata database to AIX and Oracle databases.

Business or sector Information and communication

05/2005 - 10/2005
ITIL Consultant
Toyota Corporate

Toyota Corporate (United States)

Duties: ITIL Consultant; Project Manager; Quality Assurance; Security Manager. Using Visio Pro to
create visuals DFD (data flow diagrams) of servers and networks. IT auditing of local network servers,
devices, IT Governance.
* Project Manager: ITIL Documentation project (Staff of 21, supporting 20,000 end users).
* Also assisting Toyota SMEs to create new taxonomy standards for documentation, policies, and
procedures, writing Requests for Proposals (RFP), Statements of Work (SOW), while ensuring
accuracy and quality of information and adherence to company standards.
* Direct reports (staff): 21
* Accomplishments: I was brought in as the ITIL compliance documentation lead and Consultant,
along with two IBM permanent employees who were rotated on a weekly basis.
* My job was to provide continuity to the project, as well as ITIL based project management.
* Toyota had tasked IBM to update their 1,000 document library to current ITIL standards.
* IBM would not allow Toyota SME (Subject Matter Experts) to speak directly to us, so I came up with
a method to interview Toyota management, getting critical data third hand, while assuring accuracy of
the updated documentation.

Business or sector Manufacturing

01/1999 - 01/2004
Senior Management

NASA (United States)

Duties: IT Service Management (ITSM); Database design and management; Technical Writer and
Taxonomy for User's Guide for the Spitzer Space Telescope; Public Relations; ITSM Auditing; IT
Security for Mac, PC, and wireless network.
* Project Manager: Staff of six, supporting external projects worldwide: Education and Public Outreach
* Created operational procedures covering IT Governance.
* Wrote Requests for Proposals (RFP), and Statements of Work (SOW).
* Project Manager: Staff of five, supporting 250 end users: Trade Shows and workshops nationwide.
* Direct reports (staff): 5
* Accomplishments: I was brought in by Raytheon to work as a back up System Administrator.

* The job expanded into working for Education and Public Outreach - doing high-end education
documentation, publicity, creating website, and managing Trade Shows.
* I was then tasked to step in and take over an abandoned audio video installation project of a major
AV conferencing center at Caltech that the vendor had walked away from.
* I took over the project, got the AV center functioning.
* I was then tasked to help create a video based educational training series called "Ask and
Astronomer" an award winning services of video on astronomy for children.
* I was then tasked to work on the SIRTF (renamed after launch: SPITZER) infrared observatory
satellite, and serve as the Event Planner and workshop coordinator where for scientists learned on
how to operate and program the satellite from their desktop PCs. (Estes Park, Colorado)
* I was then tasked to work on the Galactic-ExtraGalactic Database, and manage MSC Workshops.
* I was the tasked to be the Trade Show Coordinator for the AAS (American Astronomical Society)
conventions (two trade shows per year) which included management, contract negotiations, bookings,
logistics, freight, drayage, trade booth management, etc.
* This included SIRTF Workshops and EPO Booth Displays.
* Seattle, Washington. Monterey Bay, California, Atlanta, Georgia.

Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities

Local Availability

Only available for remote work
Available for relocation in EU (I have an EU BLUE CARD).
Available for relocation to UK, Russia (client must provide work visa)
Client pre-pays all round trip travel and accommodations (business class)


100% remote only.
Full Legal Name as in Driving License/Passport: CHARLES EDWARD BLUEHAWK
Total Experience: 35-years
Birth-date: August 22, 1958
Language: English
    • CTO
    • CEO
    • Program/Project Management (PMP, SDLC)
    • ITSM (ITIL) Master (ISO27001)
    • Security
    • SEO
    • Change/Release/Risk/Service Manager
Client List:
    • NASA
    • IBM
    • Hughes Aircraft
    • Disney
    • Novartis
    • Amgen
    • Telecom New Zealand (gen-i)
    • Nissan North America
Social Media:
    • Europe: +420 602 947 119
Hourly Rate:  
    • W2: $ 78.00 (tax-base: Home: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
    • 1099: $ 78.00 (tax-base: Home: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
    • C2C: $ 85.00 (Tallinn, Estonia, Europe)
    • EU/UK: £ 65.00 (Tallinn, Estonia, Europe)
    • Earliest possible start date: one-week
Current Location:  
    • Europe
    • Remote Work: 100%: Global (any time zone)
    • Relocation available within Europe, UK, Russia
Best Contact Time:  
    • Afternoons, Prague, Czech Republic (GMT+1)
    • Two-day notice (CEST)
    • Video Call options: Webex, Googletalk, MS Team, Zoom, Skype
Work Authorizations:  
    • US Citizen
    • EU BLUE CARD #454207
    • Estonia Corporation
Professional References: available on client request

Youtube - Video


Profileimage by Charlie Bluehawk 35 years in global corporate management and consulting from Prague 35 years in global corporate management and consulting