Profileimage by Pawel Rogowicz Java developers, Groovy, Grails, Flex, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, outsourcing, nearshore, software deve from Poznan

Pawel Rogowicz


Last update: 22.03.2010

Java developers, Groovy, Grails, Flex, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, outsourcing, nearshore, software deve

Company: Espeo Software Sp. z o.o.
Graduation: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Polish (Native or Bilingual)


Java is a main programming language used in Espeo Outsourcing

We can offer knowledge of following solutions:

* Web technologies
- Java EE - EJB, Servlets, JSP, JSF
- Spring - IoC Container, Spring MVC, Spring WebFlow, Spring AOP, Spring Security (Acegi), JDBC Template, Spring BlazeDS Integration
- Struts, GWT, Grails
* Desktop technologies – Swing, SWT, Eclipse RCP, Griffon
* Portals based on JSR 168/268 - Liferay Portal
* Mobile technologies – Java ME, Android
* SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) - WebServices, Apache Axis, ESB, BPM
* ORM (Object Relational Mapping) - Hibernate
* Application Servers – Apache Tomcat, IBM Webshpere, JBoss, Glassfish, Weblogic, Jetty
* Database Systems - Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache Derby (Java DB)
* Reporting - JasperReports
* Testing - Unit tests (JUnit, EasyMocj, Mockito), Integration tests (Fit), Acceptance tests (Selenium, FEST)
* Build process management – Ant, Maven 2
* IDE (Integrated Development Environments) - Eclipse, SpringSource Tool Suite, NetBeans, IntellijIdea
* CI (Continuous Integration) – Cruise Control, Hudson, Bamboo
* Other tools - Log4J, Quartz, Apache Commons


Grails framework carried in a breath of fresh air and new quality to systems designed in Java.

Using mechanisms based on Ruby on Rails supported by Groovy language and mature frameworks from the world of Java, among others Spring Framework and Hibernate, the solution, allowing to accelerate the process of web applications development, was created.

Espeo Outsourcing, as one of the first Polish companies decided to apply Grails intensively in commercial projects. Thanks to this we gained dominance over competitors and right now we can offer programmers and teams that are experienced in creating systems based on Grails.

We will prove with pleasure that using our experience we are able to create a web system much faster than competitors using traditional methods based on Java EE.


We specialize in solutions based on Java. Yet, we are conscious of the existence of other technologies and know how and when we should take advantage of them.

In our work we use, among others:

* JavaScript for creating dynamic web pages and libraries based on it: JQuery and Yahoo UI
* C#, .NET Platform and Visual Studio IDE created by Microsoft
* Groovy - object oriented scripting language, based on Java syntax, enriched with solutions allowing programmers to make some data operations faster and being a key part of Grails framework
* Scala - a language integrating features of object-oriented programming and functional programming, running on Java Virtual Machine JVM. Scala is used to create highly scalable and efficient applications.
* Flex - SDK used for creating Rich Internet Aplications (RIA), based on Adobe Flash. Flex allows creating applications working in a browser, desktop (Air) and mobile in the future (Slider). Developers in Espeo Outsourcing have experience with:
- Using Flex/Flash Builder IDE
- Knowledge of ActionScript and MXML
- Communication with a server tier (Java, Grails) using BlazeDS protocol
- Creating advanced graphic components


We know which solutions are the best. We can choose those based on client\'s requirements so that he will always get a product of highest quality.

In our daily work we use following tools:

* Operating Systems - Windows as a default platform for software development, Linux and Unix as servers for our applications
* Wiki - used as an internal company knowledge base and for particular projects. This way experience that we are gaining in new technologies is naturally propagated among all developers.
* Issue tracking systems – Jira, Redmine. Used in daily project work, allowing to organize tasks and constantly track project\'s progress.
* Source code repositories - CVS, SVN, Git
* UML - using Enterpise Architect. UML language is used to visualize technical and business concepts with diagrams and drawings.
* Code review tools – Review Board. Code reviews are an important element of every project, allowing quickly find and solve problems.

Project history

Software development services for the Polish public administration - in collaboration with Oracle Poland
Constant cooperation in software development with Finnish IT company for over 2 years
Cooperation in software development with Irish web development firm
Cooperation in software development with an IT compnay from the Netherlands
A member of the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce
For full references please visit our website and contact us

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Poland
Up to 8 professional developers available (with availability for even more extra men power if needed) for 5 days a week, 8 hours a day or more. Remote work available worldwide (English spoken), on-site work available throughout Europe (for initial cooperation; longer distances on demand).
Profileimage by Pawel Rogowicz Java developers, Groovy, Grails, Flex, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, outsourcing, nearshore, software deve from Poznan Java developers, Groovy, Grails, Flex, GWT, Spring, Hibernate, outsourcing, nearshore, software deve