I can build ~100+ graphs about load and performance of your Oracle database using awrextr.sql awr data.
Send me a link to your awr extracted dump, and after 24-48 hours I will send you a link to password protected zip file with html reports with graphs.
Report example you can download here:
1000$ per Prod Database 1 report *
50$ per Test/Dev DB 1 report *
*awr dump file size limit 15gb, if awr dump file size for example will contain 1 year of data with 150gb of awr extracted data, cost will increase (~ +1000$ per extra 15gb). Building of all reports on 15gb awr data will take in common 24h.
Report will contain:
- Html files with 100+ graphs
- Graphs is interactive and zoomable
- Table of contents with search
- Cpu usage time series graph
- IOPS, transactions, logons per second and more
- Top 10 sqls
- Trends for wait classes
- Trend of metrics in db
- Top 5 sql elapsed time changes
- Top 30 sql by elapsed time, plans, sql text, graphs
- Db and instance restart times
- Top modules, services
- Table of top blockers by events (like enq: TX - index contention, enq: TX - index contention)
Report can be shown to your boss, pages of this report can be used for your own reports.
Currently supported Oracle database versions: 11,12,19 only Enterprise Editions.
Rac database separate instance info shown only first 2 instances. All instance cumulative instances still available
Pdbs not tested yet
All this developed and will be processed by one person, and deadlines may be shifted if I am on vacation or not at the computer on weekends.
How to exatract AWR dump with awrextr.sql:
Sqlplus sys/password@yourdb as sysdba
Create or replace directory awr_extr as '/u01/tmp';
**** zip html files requrements. Html files contains js script, and for graphs view you need:
1. Put it to your webserver
2. Open it by Chrome in unsecure mode like this (js open local *.csv files data):
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="C:\tmpChromeSession
3. I can put it on my hosting with login/password