Profileimage by Araki Haru Senior Software Engineer from carrollton

Araki Haru


Last update: 31.10.2023

Senior Software Engineer

Graduation: University of Tokyo
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional)




HTML, CSS, JavaScript, BootStrap, Tailwind, Laravel, CI, WordPress, E-Commerce, Shopify, React JS, Vue JS, Angular JS, Redux, NodeJS, MERN, MEAN, MEVN Stack, FireBase, ASP.Net, Azure Server, AWS, SQL Server, Blazor, Web Assembly, Server App, Syncfusion, Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Django, Python, UI, Twitter Bootstrap, Material-UI, AntDeisgn, Styled Components, Sass/SCSS, Less, TCP/IP Protocol, object-oriented, C#, Java, GoLang, Hosting Servers, Programming, WEB Development, C++, PHP, Javascript Laravel, TypeScript, Yii, Node.js, React, Angular, Vue.js, GSAP, Three.js, Wix, Mobile Development, Squarespace, React Native, Kotlin, Docusign, Swift Agile, Android, VCS, Git, iOS, Cloud Security, CCSP, Unit testing, requirement gathering, MSSQL, MSVC 2019, network monitoring services,, GraphQL, Auth0, codebase, Ghost, CMS, MUI, Digital Solution Development Team, Agile, REST API, databases, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, RDS, Mocha, Next.js, WebSockets, analytics

Project history

04/2022 - 03/2023
Senior Lead Engineer

Laravel, ngrok, gitwork , Python, MUI

06/2019 - 02/2022
Senior Software Engineer

- Implementing client-side applications with React, Next.js, and Redux
- Developing responsive user interfaces with Twitter Bootstrap and SCSS
- Developing the event-driven client-side applications using WebSockets
- Creating complex diagrams and tables for advanced analytics



Local Availability

Only available in these countries: USA
Profileimage by Araki Haru Senior Software Engineer from carrollton Senior Software Engineer