PL/SQL, SQL, MySQL, PHP, Visual FoxPro, Basic, Algol, Fortran, COBOL, Clipper, DBase, JavaScript, CANVAS, Assembler 80x80, PIC, Hexadecimal, ...
Notions in C, C++, C#, VB,, Better Basic, HP-GL, Hipo, ESE, Prolog, Java...
Architect, Analyst of Systems, Developer, Programmer, Leader of Projects, Maneger of IT, Professor at University.
Developer since 1971. Expert in refactoring legacy systems, and in algorithm.
Notions in C, C++, C#, VB,, Better Basic, HP-GL, Hipo, ESE, Prolog, Java...
Architect, Analyst of Systems, Developer, Programmer, Leader of Projects, Maneger of IT, Professor at University.
Developer since 1971. Expert in refactoring legacy systems, and in algorithm.
Project history
Start now, September 26, 2018, in international freelancer.
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