Developed a product using Angular, Express, Node.js, and Express with software engineers remotely.
Improved the efficiency and performance of the product by almost 3 times by adding server-side-rendering, reducing trigger change detection, optimizing loading-time performance, unsubscribe from observable and so on.
Developed a tool for data encryption on the platform and on the sensors themselves to protect personal(users, clients, contacts, speakers) data
Created a reporting tool to see more detailed statistical reports including conversion analysis and spatial comparisons.
Full Stack Developer
Worked with a team of 7 engineers to build 2 medium to large scaled web applications using MERN, MEVN stack.
Developed Authentication and Authorization modules as RestFul webservices using Node.js, Express.
Design and implement backend system of medium web application that is solid, scalable, and flexible
Frontend Developer
Developed 4 medium to large scaled web applications using React.js & Angular & Vue.js for 2 years.
Extensively took advantage of Redux/MobX/Vuex for state management in building 5 React/Vue based apps.
Actively adopted TypeScript along with ECMAScript features in 75% projects for compact coding.
Heavily involved in front-end tooling like Webpack & Vite.
Created cross browser compatible and responsive web pages using Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS and Bulma CSS.
Frontend Developer
Worked to meet client deadlines.
Worked with a proficient understanding of code conversion tools.
Successfully identified, diagnosed, and fixed website problems, including broken links, typographical errors, and formatting issues.