Profileimage by Bartol Ruzic Development Director, Senior Project Manager, Project Lead from BerlinCharlottenburg

Bartol Ruzic


Last update: 24.01.2023

Development Director, Senior Project Manager, Project Lead

Company: Herr
Graduation: Dipl. Ing (FH)
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: German (Native or Bilingual) | English (Limited professional) | Serbian (Native or Bilingual) | Croatian (Native or Bilingual)


- 16 Jahre Erfahrung in Konstruktion und Entwicklung hochkomplexer Komponenten
- 14 Jahre Unternehmensführung als Geschäftsführer  und COO 
- Weitgreifendes interdisziplinäres Fachwissen
- Versiert in Mitarbeiterführung und -motivation
- Schnelle Auffassungsgabe, Kundenorientierung, Unternehmerisches Denken & Handeln
- Kreativer Ingenieur mit Blick für Produktionsabläufe und –kosten
- Erfahren in internationaler Projektleitung
- Hohe soziale Kompetenz sowie Integrität
- Fähigkeit zur Darstellung komplexer technischer Sachverhalte in
   allgemeinverständlicher Form
- Verantwortungsbereitschaft und starkes persönliches Engagement 

Project history

1998                „RTL – Boxen Extra”                                    - managing game (PC)
1999                „Anpfiff– Der RTL Fußballmanager“            - managing game (PC, Online)
1999                „Der Clown“                                                  - adventure (PC)
2000 - 2001      „Gorasul – Das Vermächtnis des Drachen“    - rpg (PC, Online)
2001 - 2002      „Trainerquiz 2002“                                        - quiz (PC)
2001                „TV-Talk“                                                      - quiz (PC)
2001                „Alvin – Abenteuer im Puzzleland“                - puzzle (PC)
2001 - 2002      „Soldiers of Anarchy“                                    - real-time strategy-, Tactic (PC, Online)
2002                „Casino”                                                         - simulation (PC)
2002                „Das Kanzleramt”                                          - quiz (PC)
2003-2004        „RTL- Hinter Gittern Vol. 1“                         - adventure (PC)
2004                „Knall auf Fall – Das Audio-Quiz                 - quiz (PC)
2005                „RTL- Hinter Gittern Vol. 2“                         - adventure (PC)
2005                „RTL – Im Namen des Gesetzes”                 – point’n klick adventure (PC)
2005                „RTL- Alarm für Cobra 11 Vol. 3“                - adventure (PC, PS2)
2005                „Vietnam Combat - First Battle”                    - turnbased strategy (PC, Online)
2006                 „Zoom! Paparazzi im Einsatz“                     - non-violent-shooter (PC)
2006                „Die drei ??? und der Blutsschwur“               - adventure (PC, Online)
2007                „Mein Beautyhotel für Tiere“                         - simulation (PC)
2007                „Soccer Champ“                                             - managing game, simulation (PC)
2007-2008        „My Boyfriend 2“                                           - simulation, adventure (PC)
2008                „My Boyfriend 2“                                           - simulation, adventure (NDS)
2008                „Mein Beautyhotel für Tiere“                         - simulation, adventure (NDS)
2008                „Die Reitakademie 2 “                                   - simulation, adventure (PC)
2008                „Brigitte Figur-Coach Serie“                          - lifestyle app (Mobile)
2008                „Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod“             - quiz (Mobile)
2008-2009        „Hotel Deluxe“                                               - simulation (NDS)
2008-2009        „Catan“                                                         - board game (NDS, Mobile)
2008-2009        „3 Fragezeichen“                                          - adventure, quiz (Wii, PC, Online)
2008-2009        „Didgeridoo-Prototyp”                                   - action adventure (XBLA, PSN, Online)
2008-2009        „Road to Rome-Prototyp”                              - action adventure (Wii, Online)
2008-2009        „Payback Day-Prototyp”                                - action adventure (Xbox360, PS3, PC, Online)
2008-2009        „Das Blaue Band-Prototyp”                            - manager, simulation (PC, NDS)
2009                „My Boyfriend 3“                                           - simulation, adventure (NDS)
2009                „Die drei ??? Folge 1-4“                                 - adventure (Mobile)   
2009                „Die drei ??? –Das verfluchte Schloss“           - adventure, quiz (Wii, PC, Mobile, Online)
2009                „Think“                                                          - quiz (PC, Online)      
2009-2010        „Paint This”                                                   - family game (Wii, Online)    
2009-2010        „Power Learning Mathe”                               - edutainment (Wii, Online)
2009-2010        „VIP-News”                                                    - adventure (NDS)       
2010                „The Ultimate Battle of the Sexes”                  - action, simulation (iPhone, Online)
2010                „Emily the strange”                                        - adventure (NDS, iPhone, PC, Online)
2010                „Christiane Stengers Gedächtnistrainer“        - quiz (NDS)
2011                „Wickie – Teil 2“                                            - jump’n run (NDS)
2011                „GoosGogs“                                                    - jump’n run, (iPad, XBLA, Online)
2011                „Der zerstreute Pharao“                                 - board game (iPhone / iPad)
2011                „FIVB – Volleyball“                                       - manager, (Online Game)
2011                „My Festival“                                                 - manager, (Online Game)
2011                “My Farmland”                                              - manager, (Online Game)
 2010-2014        lifestyle Apps  und Games                               - lifestyle app (Online, Mobile)
  • Austrian Airlines, Deutscher Fachverlag
  • Cosmos Direkt, Friendscout 24
  • Ladival, Mercedes Benz, BMW
  • Milka, Opel, Parship, Schlecker
  • Siemens, FOX Kraftwerk, Metro
  • Sparda Bank und weitere Apps
  • Auto Club Revolution
  • Fanpower, OMS
  • Nspyre Technologie (E-Commerce Technologie)
2015                IT Projekte                                                     - Serious Games (Online, Mobile)
  • Siemens, Daimler, AOK,
  • IPGR, ADAC, Missio

Local Availability

Open to travel worldwide
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Profileimage by Bartol Ruzic Development Director, Senior Project Manager, Project Lead from BerlinCharlottenburg Development Director, Senior Project Manager, Project Lead