Annex 2
Period: 01/2002 - 04/2014
Function: Group Director ICT
Staff: 25-36
Budget 5.000K € (excluding projects)
In this position, within a globally operating chemical concern, I reported directly to the CEO.
This concern is active around the globe in countries as Holland, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico,
Brazil, USA, India, Singapore and China.
Within this role, my responsibilities/ tasks can be described as:
- Member of the international management team
- Responsible for all global IT matters
o R3, Infrastructure, telecom, hardware, back-office etc..
o IT Strategy
o IT Policies
o IT Security
o Introduction New Technology
o Data Management
- Coordinating role between all units
- Advisory role for the European Management Team
- Project Management global projects
I am responsible for a team of 25-36 people, geographically spread and in various disciplines:
- Network support
- SAP Support
- Business Support
- Data management
- Helpdesk
Achievements during this period:
- Alignment business strategy with IT strategy
- Divestment of a division
- Acquisition and integration of another business
- Rebuild of a global IT support team
o Network
o SAP system support
o SAP Business support
o Data-management
o Helpdesk
- Upgrade R/3 from 3.1 to 4.7 to ECC
- Implementation of SBE ®model in Europe
- Implementation of R/3 in India, China, Singapore, Mexico, USA & Singapore
o Conversion of BPCS platform
- Implementation of Business One in China
o Including MDM integration with R/3
- Reorganization global IT setup
- Member of the Stahl Audit committee
From 4/2013 till 3/2014 majority of the work was focused on the due diligence project for the
take over of our largest competitor in the leather industry.