Profileimage by ElkinAlexander CanoMogollon Developer Engineer (FrontEnd / BackEnd) Implementer OPENSOURCE from

Elkin Alexander Cano Mogollon


Last update: 15.06.2023

Developer Engineer (FrontEnd / BackEnd) Implementer OPENSOURCE

Graduation: Systems Engineer + Specialist in information systems Management
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Spanish (Native or Bilingual)


JQuery Backend Front End Software Development ASP.NET HTML JavaScript (Programming Language) PHP (Programming Language) Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) + 27 more keywords




Illustrator, Photoshop, Api, BackEnd, Bootstrap, Css, Analytics, Databases, Drupal, ES6, Figma, FireBase, FrontEnd, Git, Html, jQuery library, jQuery, Javascript, Joomla, Laravel, SQL Server, MongoDB, Mysql, Node.js, Npm, Php, Pl/Sql, PostGreSQL, Programming Languages, Sass, Systems Engineer, TypeScript, Vue, Webpack, Wordpress, Yii,

Project history

06/2022 - 11/2022
Web Developer and Seo Strategy (Architecture and civil engineering, 10-50 employees)

Implementation of corporate portal in AstroJS, Implementation of the FrontEnd Framework Bootstrap v5.2.2. Image processing in Photoshop. Integration with Google Tags and Analytics. Communication with the organization's interdisciplinary team for the generation of the content to be published. Use of the following languages: Html, Css, Javascript, TypeScript.


GIt and GitHub

Local Availability

Only available for remote work


looking for a remote job to which I can dedicate myself 100%.
Profileimage by ElkinAlexander CanoMogollon Developer Engineer (FrontEnd / BackEnd) Implementer OPENSOURCE from Developer Engineer (FrontEnd / BackEnd) Implementer OPENSOURCE