Project type: Visial animation and illustrations
Project URL/published link:
published video link:
Roles and responsibililties:
Complete project management from requirements ilicitation to delivery.
Project description:
Creating illustrations for a testimonial campaign "Cameroon - 130 disappeared of Magdeme and Double - Story of the night of 27 December 2014" showing a massacre that happened in Cameroon in 2014.
Five years ago, the Cameroonian army, in a search operation in two villages in the Far North, arrested hundreds of men, suspected without proof, of being members of Boko Haram. Locked up overnight in inhuman and degrading conditions, some will resolve to drink their own sweat to quench a thirst that could prove fatal.
This story told by an actor is the sum of what the survivors told us. They are free today but will never forget that night.
To read more about the campaign, follow the link below:
The client testimonials can be seen at: