- Created Argentina's leading search engine and web portal, Gauchonet.com.
- Managed a team of 8 people who developed the web site, reaching 350,000 unique visitors per
month (4% penetration) in 3.5 years, making Gauchonet.com one of the top 10 most visited websites in
- Web site generated revenue exclusively from advertising. Negotiated long term internet advertising
plans with top notch companies such as IBM, StarMedia, Xerox, Ford, Arcor, Citibank, HP,
Patagon.com, Banco Supervielle, Axe, among others.
- Increased yearly revenue from USD 1,000 in 1996 to USD 250,000 in 1999.
- Managed successful negotiation of the GauchoNet's acquisition by Terra/Lycos in September 1999
(the first multimillion dollar transaction in LatinAmerica for internet properties).