Profileimage by GonzaloErnesto Viniegra SAP Ciber segurity consultant from BuenosAires

Gonzalo Ernesto Viniegra

partly available

Last update: 14.05.2024

SAP Ciber Security Consultant

Graduation: System Bachelor, SAP Basis administrator
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional) | Portuguese (Limited professional)


SAP Applications SAP Security Typing




I am experienced as a SAP administrator, specialized in SAP Security, however I can do other jobs like typing (I write really fast) and any other freelance job that not implies full time compromise

Project history

Local Availability

Only available for remote work
Profileimage by GonzaloErnesto Viniegra SAP Ciber segurity consultant from BuenosAires SAP Ciber Security Consultant