Responsible for maintaining, monitoring, automatization and security of our projects.
Also responsible for managing all the resources that the company uses at AWS Cloud.
Key tasks done:
- Upgrade postgres versions
- Migrating from ECS to kubernetes
- Convert all of our stack into terraform
- Automate tasks using lambda
- Security alarms using lambda and cloud trail
- Implement auto scaling and automate deployment process
- Migration from on-premise Mongo to DocumentDb
- Implementation of prometheus-operator
- Implementation of cert-manager
Technology used: Terraform, aws cloud, postgres, cloudWatch, DMS, ansible, gitlab,
gradle, kubernetes, eks, ec2, linux, mariaDB, mysql, lambda, api gateway, cloud front,
lambda edge, sns, sqs, rabbitmq, prometheus-rules, prometheus, grafana, python,
bash, serverless framework, docker, ECR, auto scaling, dynamoDB, certificate manager
ACM, IAM, Route53, VPC, zabbix, elasticsearch, packer, mongoDB, documentDB