.NET Core, .NET, .NET Framework, ASP.NET Core, agile development, Android app, Angular, Arduino, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical, Autodesk Inventor, test tool, Azure AD, backend, backup and restore, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, business logic, C#, C++, CSS, Cloud, Code Generation, code reviews, Code Review, CQRS, animated graphics, Programming, IT security, information security, CAD, Analysis of data, logging, databases, database, UI/UX, UI/UX design, DevExpress, distributed systems, Docker, Domain Driven Design, Domain Model, Entity Framework, entity relationship, Entity Relationship Diagram, XAML, XML, firmware, graphical user interface, HTML, hardware development, development environment, Integration Testing, Json, Java, Jupyter Notebook, Kubernetes, log4net, low-code, Markup Languages, MQTT, microservice, Microservices, Azure, Microsoft Office, MSSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SharePoint, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, MVC, MVVM, OAuth2, OOP, OIDC, Postman, Prism, Python, RFID, RegEx, RADIUS server, REST API, Azure SQL, Azure SQL Database, SQL Servers, SQL Server Management Studio, server application, SignalR, software architecture, Design Patterns, user documentation, SpecFlow, Swagger, Templating, TypeScript, UML, Unit Testing, Unity, authentication, Visual Basic, Web API, WCF, Powershell, WPF, WLAN, YAML