Profileimage by Sergey Emelyanov React Developer from

Sergey Emelyanov


Last update: 16.06.2023

React Developer

Graduation: Secondary special education
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Elementary) | Russian (Native or Bilingual) | Ukrainian (Native or Bilingual)


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) ReactJS Gulp.js HTML JavaScript (Programming Language) Preprocessor TypeScript Git Webpack Figma




I'm a self-taught React developer, I'm also good with TypeScript and JavaScript. (React hooks and libraries included)

I have skills in creating DOM structure using HTML, I also use CSS and preprocessors like SCSS (I use CSS modules).

I also use Figma, Vs Code, Git for work, can use Gulp.

Project history

11/2021 - 02/2022
Specialist of ASKUE
Energomera (Energy, water and environment, 50-250 employees)

Я працював із програмною частиною лічильників електроенергії.

Все залежало від ситуації, але в основному я прошивав пристрої, виправляв помилки в роботі пристрою та програмував їх під певні умови роботи.
Фактично я працював лише з програмною частиною пристроїв.

Перелік завдань, з якими я працював:
- ZigBee
- Web Development
- Web Design
- ASKUE Department

Local Availability

Open to travel worldwide


I am a web developer who uses React and related technologies in my work. Unfortunately, I do not have real experience in developing projects in a team, but I have a desire to gain this experience and develop in this area, because I see myself only in this direction. I studied myself, using the opportunities available to me, so I did not leave the path from the beginning to a possible employee of yours, because many bought courses in order to find a place of work as quickly as possible without the desire to get under the hood. I have a desire to have a clear answer to the question "What do you do?" and a desire to constantly develop myself, improving my understanding of the industry and related fields. I am currently looking for a team where I can learn to work in an environment that others can only dream of.
Profileimage by Sergey Emelyanov React Developer from React Developer