Client:- Fresenius
Descrip tion :-Fresenius is a Europ ean multinational health care comp any
b ased in Germany. It p rovid es p rod ucts and services for d ialysis in hosp itals,
as well as inp atient and outp atient med ical care.
Roles and Resp onsib ilities:-
Analysing and und erstand ing the b usiness req uirements and sp ecification
d ocument.
Create the SAP PM Master d ata,test d ata and d o the configurations in the
SAP system, create the p lants, maintenance p lants, Ob jective typ es
catalogues, Ord er Typ es ,Create task list.
Derived test scenarios b ased on the req uirements and create the test
cases scenarios id entified .
Prep are the test step s. Accord ing to the sp ecifications, End to End
Business p rocess.
Executing the test cases d evelop ed , Id entifify the b ugs,Maintain the test
case execution ,b ugtracking Rep orts for UAT and Rep oring Purp ose
Prep are the Project final rep ort with all the avid ances which we have
Executed .
Client:- Merced es Benz
Descrip tion :-The Merced es-Benz Group A G is a German multinational
automotive corp oration head q uartered in Stuttgart, Germany. It is one of the
world 's lead ing car manufacturers. Daimler-Benz was formed with the merger
of Benz & Cie and Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft in 1926.
Roles and Resp onsib ilities:-
Develop ed Test scrip ts, Created Detailed Test Plan and Test Cases
through und erstand ing of the Business Req uirement Documentation and
technical sp ecifications.
Test cases to verify that Transaction cod es conform to sp ecifications
b usiness req uirement.
Create the SAP PM Master d ata,test d ata and d o the configurations in the
SAP system, create the p lants, maintenance p lants, Ob jective typ es
,catalogues, Ord er Typ es ,Create tasklist.
Derived test scenarios b ased on the req uirements and create the test
cases scenarios id entified .
To test the d ifferent p ositive and negative scenarios
Prep aration of the test rep ort at the end of each cycle
Executing the test cases d evelop ed , Id entifify the b ugs,Maintain the test
case execution ,b ugtracking Rep orts for UAT and Rep oring Purp ose
Prep are the Project final rep ort with all the avid ances which we have
Executed .
Client:- Field Fresh Food s Limited
Descrip tion :-Field fresh food s p rivate limited comp any located in USA ,This
cinvolves food p rocessing ind ustry for service, d istrib ution, and
manufacturing that is b ased around freshness .
Roles and Resp onsib ilities:-
Analysing and und erstand ing the b usiness req uirements and
sp ecification d ocument
Test cases to verify that Transaction cod es conform to sp ecifications
b usiness req uirement.
Create the SAP PM Master d ata,test d ata and d o the configurations in the
SAP system, create the p lants, maintenance p lants, Ob jective typ es
,catalogues, Ord er Typ es .
Derived test scenarios b ased on the req uirements and create the test
cases scenarios id entified .
To test the d ifferent p ositive and negative scenarios
Cretae the test case execution Rep orts for Different Business p rocess
Break d own maintenance,p reventive maintenance,refurb ishment.
Client:- BLP Energy Limited
Descrip tion :-Field fresh food s p rivate limited comp any located in USA ,This
cinvolves food p rocessing ind ustry for service, d istrib ution, and
manufacturing that is b ased around freshness .
Roles and Resp onsib ilities: -
Project req uirement stud y and analysis.
Business Process stud ies using ASAP Method ology, Configuration
Strategy, Unit and Integration testing, End -User Training, User Documentation and
Rep ort Prep aration as Req uirements.
Notifications has customized to suit organization b usiness p rocess.
Maintenance b usiness p rocess includ ing General, Breakd own, Preventive,
Calib ration, Refurb ishment maintenance p rocess.
Performed data migration from Legacy system to SAP Plant Maintenance tables
using Legacy System Migration Workb ench (LSMW).
Coord inating with b usiness analyst to map p rocess.
Involved in Unit testing and Integration testing.
Functional sp ecification for rep orts and enhancement and up load ing master d ata.
Integration Test with MM, PP, QM & FI-CO.
Functional sp ecification for rep orts.