Business Analysts with experience in automation/WCS,12+ months onsite in Southern Jutland, Denmark

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Automation Design Elements and Principles Enterprise Resource Planning E2e Testing Supply Chain Management Stock Control Systems Design Very Small Aperture Terminal Logistics Operations


We are looking for one or two business analysts with experience in automation/WCS to join a core project team.

Project Assignment: System and processes project as part of the LCW program.

Scope: Delivering a complete end-to-end (E2E) system solution for the logistics site, including ERP, WMS, and WCS
Current Phase: Design + Build. Design + Build + VSAT phase is expected to be completed by the end of 2026.

Leadership and Initiative:

  • Ability to lead and make things happen with respect and collaboration within the team.
  • Problem-solving: When encountering challenges, take the initiative to address and resolve them.
  • Senior Business Analyst with expertise in the automation/WCS domain.
  • Extensive experience as a consultant in automation and WCS solutions.
  • Experience from similar implementation projects and project roles.
  • Industry and Best Practice knowledge in automation, WCS/WMS processes, and solution design within sectors such as
  • logistics, supply chain, or warehouse automation.

Business Analyst - Role & Responsibilities:

  • Represent the project with automation and WCS process expertise during the design phase.
  • Led and proactively prepared requirements and processes for the design process and workshops.
  • Ensure the specified solution design and build product meets the project requirements.
  • Ensure the solution design and build product follows best practices and optimized processes.
  • Review and approve the process and system design specifications from the automation and WCS suppliers.
  • Internal core team planning, preparation, and communication on requirements, processes, and design.
  • Review, test, and approve deliverables and configurations from the suppliers.
  • Define test scenarios for KiSoft testing.
  • Execute KiSoft testing to validate solution configuration.
  • Execute common KiSoft & MASC E2E testing.
Start date
12months +
(extension possible)
Accuro ApS
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