Profileimage by Tatiana Baklan Front-end (React) Developer from

Tatiana Baklan


Last update: 03.06.2019

Front-end (React) Developer

Graduation: not provided
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional) | Russian (Native or Bilingual)



○ Good knowledge of React + Redux
○ ES5/ES6 standards, DOM manipulation
○ Strong knowledge of HTML and CSS, semantic markup, psd-to-html, responsive  design, flexbox model, BEM methodology, preprocessors
○ VCS (Git)

Project history

October 2016 - PRESENT
Freelance/Contractor work
I worked on several different projects using technologies including React/Redux, React Native, Angular and jQuery. 

● Nomisma blockchain cryptocurrency platform  
Responsible for creating reusable layout components applying styled-component  React library, ​implementation React container and presentational components,  maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using redux​, building different views and creating routing between them, asynchronous client-server communication and errors handling. Alongside I was involved in daily code review to keep codebase consistent and maintainable as well as react-base libraries and pre-built components research for stable front-end. 

● TV streaming/video on demand  web application for M2M startup  
I had varied responsibilities, including developing complex custom widgets, implementing logic, localization, testing, quality analysis and debugging. 

● Automated liquid manipulation platform for startup.  
Built initial prototype from scratch. Was fully responsible for the client side, from architecture to user interface. Worked on the usual frontend-developer tasks such as designing data flow, implementing features, applying pre-build components, debugging, refactoring, etc.  ● housekeeping services portal ​ Implemented a significant part of the front end portal with Angular 1.4 and jQuery plugins for animation 

April 2016  -  October 2016  SoftServe, Kiev​
Frontend Developer 
Debugged numerous layers of abstraction, fixed bugs in both UI and business logic, extended UI elements behaviour with custom directives for a  mailing client extension built with Angular 1.x framework. 

September 2015 - March  2016 PromUa, Kiev​
Frontend Developer
Created layout blocks for ​​ e-commerce portal using BEM methodology. 

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Ukraine
Profileimage by Tatiana Baklan Front-end (React) Developer from Front-end (React) Developer