Vmware Engineer | Apeldoorn | 6 - 12 month | Dutch

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Vmware Engineer | Apeldoorn | 6 - 12 month | Dutch

For our client we are seeking a Vmware Engineer for a project in Utercht.

What we would like from you:

Requirements (Knock-out):
HBO working and thinking level
10 years Knowledge of and experience with the implementation and management of enterprise virtual infrastructures based on VMware products
3 years Knowledge of and experience with VSAN and NSX-V
Experience with implementing NSX-T
The candidate must be part of a VMware Enterprise partner company, which at least has the VMware master competencies Network Virtualization and Data Center Virtualization
VMware VCP6-D (c) V certification
VMware VCP-NV certification


Being able to work independently
Communication skills
VMware VCAP level
Knowledge of and experience with the implementation or management of a Horizon
HBO diploma, preferably in the field of IT.
Knowledge of and experience with Agile and Scrum
Experience with the tax authorities or other large government organizations in the field of investigation or enforcement


This application is a follow-up and adjustment to 2019-DCS-0037. Although it is a non-binding application, there are no ready candidates. We ask suppliers to help us find candidates for this work. For this, 3 CVs can be offered, with the wish for 2 part-timers. Incorrect CVs do not have to be offered. Please keep in mind the rate, the award criteria are therefore higher. In connection with the planning of the project, it is desirable if the contract is completed by two people (part time 3 days/week) overlapping) that can replace each other and whose summer vacation plans are not overlapping. Additional work may be required for work during the implementation and migration process. At the start, the candidate must in any case be able to submit a VOG.

Assignment description:

The work concerns the design and implementation of a renewed digital investigation environment based on SDDC products from VMware.

The most important activities are:
-Developing/designing a multi-tenant virtual server and desktop infrastructure based on vSphere, VSAN, NSX-T, vRealize and Horizon
-Developing and implementing a starting set of network and security policies to secure and manage multi-tenant infrastructures -
Implementation of this infrastructure based on project architecture and designs created during the assignment - Collaborate with and transfer knowledge to tax specialists' domain specialists who will be responsible for managing these environments
-Migration from existing desktop environment and server workloads to the new environment

Background assignment:

The total project team IDR (Infrastructure Digital Investigation) is a team consisting of 10-15 specialists from different fields. The project team is responsible for the adjustments (new construction, improvements and a part of life management) to the existing infrastructure with which the FIOD digitally searches. Third line support is provided from the 'line'.
The team works Agile and applies the Scrum framework to jointly implement development and management.

The work involves creating and implementing the technical low level designs for the new infrastructure (high level designs will be available) in a small team of architects and engineers. Additional work may be required for work during the implementation and migration process. At the start, the candidate must in any case be able to submit a Declaration of Conduct.
In connection with the planning of the project, it is desirable if the assignment is completed by two people (part time 3 days/week overlapping) who can replace each other and whose summer vacation plans are not overlapping.

One of the requirements is "The candidate must be part of a VMware Enterprise partner company, which at least has the VMware master competencies Network Virtualization and Datacenter Virtualization."

We do not know all organizations that have the qualification "VMware Enterprise partner company", but examples that I have grunted are Redlogic, ITQ, ACA IT-Solutions, ICT-Partners, and google it yourself for a moment or perhaps you have such an organization in your network.
VMware itself sets high standards in terms of knowledge for the employees of these companies. At these companies you will find candidates, who are also kept well informed by VMware about all developments within the VMware product line. In fact, it is a kind of quality guarantee.
The point is that candidates are regularly deployed under the VMware flag for projects that are outsourced to VMware and have all contacts and possibilities within VMware (comparable to a permanent employee).
Because VMware itself has few permanent employees within the Netherlands, they have chosen "VMware Enterprise partner company" as an organization.

Please apply with your most up to date CV.

Omar Khan

Start date
Gazelle Global Consulting
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