Profileimage by Alexandru Stroia Android Developer from

Alexandru Stroia


Last update: 06.09.2022

Android Developer

Graduation: not provided
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Romanian (Limited professional)


Alexandru Stroia CV.pdf


Android, Dependency Injection, ViewModel, BLE, Java, Kotlin, debugging, UI & UX, MVC, MVVM, REST API, JSON, Postman, Android Development, Reactive Programming, LiveData, Data-Binding, RxJava, ROOM, REALM, REST, OOP, GIT UX, UI, Koin, Retrofit, Viewodel, Dagger2, OkHttpClient, Moshi, Navigation Component, Android Components, Firebase

Project history

06/2018 - 03/2019
Android Developer
OSF Global Services

* Work with Leak Cannary & different debugging tools
* High Experience with UI & UX
* Highly use of MVC & MVVM Arhitecture
* Highly use of Realm & Room
* Work with FCM
* Work with remote data via REST API and using JSON and also
using Postman

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Romania
Curently I'm willing to work only remote.
Profileimage by Alexandru Stroia Android Developer from Android Developer