Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Java (Programming Language)
Administrative Operations
PIC Microcontroller
C (Programming Language)
.NET Framework
- Web, Mobile and Desktop application development:
- PHP (up to v 7, 12 years)
- Symfony with Doctrine, Swiftmailer, API Platform, FOS Rest, OAuth, JWT, Easy Admin, Twig, PhpExcel, Imagine, Html2Pdf (up to Symfony v4, 3 years)
- Yii (up to v2, 4 years)
- Generation of APIs with Swagger CodeGen.
- Laravel, CodeIgniter, Node.js, React, Angular, Ionic, Cordova, JQuery, Bootstrap, ExtJS, CSS, LESS, SASS, Java, Spring MVC, .Net, Qt, Wordpress, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server.
- DevOps, Cloud Computing, Virtual Machines and Containers (VMWare, Virtual Box, Citrix, Proxmox, Docker, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Ansible, Terraform, Kubernetes, Travis, Consul, Prometheus, Grafana).
- Software programming for Embedded hardware, microcontrollers and microprocessors (8051, PIC, ARM, PC, ASM, C, Java, VHDL).
- Designing, building, assembling, setup, maintenance, operation and repairing of electrical, electronic, communications and energy equipment and systems.
- Designing, implementation and management of computer networks.
- Linux and Windows server administration.
- Management of DHCP, DNS, HTTP, Email, Proxy, DBMS networking services.
- Administration and operations with Version Control Systems (Mercurial, Git, Subversion) in highly collaborative environments of developer teams.
- Higher Education Teaching.
- Language Translation and Interpretation (English – Spanish / Spanish – English).
Project history
- Rociosoft (Ecuador)
- eFact RS – Electronic Invoicing and Accountancy (ERP)
Role: Full stack developer of both commercial products: the public cloud SaaS version and the version for local on premises installation. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 3.4, Yii v 2.0, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS)
- eFact RS – Electronic Invoicing and Accountancy (ERP)
- Disrupsoft (Chile)
- Digimaq: Shop of Gourmet Equipment for Commerce
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 2.5, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS) - Training of Industrial Firefighter Teams
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 2.5, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS) - Mercury Music
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 2.5, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS) - El Mirador – Real Estate
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 3.0, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS) - USA Real Estate Investments and Advices
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 3.3, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS) - CSJ - TMG Chile Perú - Technology Motor Group
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 7.0, Symfony v 3.3, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS)
- Digimaq: Shop of Gourmet Equipment for Commerce
- University of Pinar del Rio (Cuba)
- proINTEC – Patent information scrapping and management
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 5.6, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS)
Private internal product of the University of Pinar del Rio, but scientific articles are publicly available on Internet - CV UPR – Institutional Curriculum Vitae information management
Role: Full stack developer. (PHP v 5.6, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS)
Private internal product of the University of Pinar del Rio, but scientific articles are publicly available on Internet
- proINTEC – Patent information scrapping and management
Local Availability
Only available in these countries:
Available to travel to any european country to work full time on site.
I'm actively looking for a job in any european country.