Profileimage by   Freelancer from

Газиз Валитов


Last update: 06.09.2022


Company: Freelancer
Graduation: self-education
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Russian (Native or Bilingual)




In the last 6 months I have been learning Java Spring Boot by getting trained as a course developer with JavaEE at Innopolis University. This has been a great experience. I have a project on spring boot with tech:
1. spring boot
2. postrgersql
3. hibernate
4. mongo
5. FTLH security
6. HTML, CSS and javaScript (less than I wanted).
7. MVC pattern.

My English is not as good as I wish, but it is enough to read, speak and understand everything I read from documents and books. I am easy to understand eglish native speaker.

Project history

09/2021 - 12/2021
Java developer.
Free (Internet and Information Technology, < 10 employees)

I wrot all project for my self just for education.

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Russian Federation
I free.
Profileimage by   Freelancer from Freelancer