Javier Bassols Casanova


Last update: 15.02.2024

Technical SAP specialist / Technical Architect / Portal expert / Senior Developer

Graduation: not provided
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional) | French (Full Professional) | Portuguese (Full Professional) | Spanish (Native or Bilingual)




ABAP, SAP HR, SAPUI5, Fiori Launchpad, Business Objects, SAP HCM, SAP Portals, ABAP Web, Dynpro, ABAP-OO, Adobe Forms, SAP HANA, Security, Authorizations, SAP, SAP Netweaver, Team Leader, Migration, S4HANA, Dual Track, Jira, Agile, Hana, Web Services, ERP, Netweaver, Java, stored procedures, PPM, Fiori, HEC Cloud, Portal, SSO, Launchpad, Application servers, Cloud, WebDynpro, FPM, Macros, RFC

Project history

01/2015 - 09/2020
Sap Netweaver Developer

06/2012 - 09/2020
SAP - Abap Teacher

BC400 Abap

12/2018 - 05/2020
Security expert/ Senior Developer

Technical environment: PPM, Fiori, Hana, Authorizations, Basis.
Tasks: As a developer. Web Services, ABAP, Fiori, CDS Views
Security expert. Responsible, project side of designing and
implementing the authorizations for the project developments.

06/2018 - 06/2019
Technical SAP specialist

Working on ERP solution Centre,
providing solutions and suggesting improvements for the overall
quality of the solution on SAP MES and MII projects. In order to
improve performance and maintainability. Working on Netweaver
abap, Fiori,
Netweaver Java and Hana (stored procedures and security)

05/2017 - 04/2018
Technical Architect / Senior Developer


Technical environment: PPM, Fiori, HEC Cloud, Portal, Hana,
Authorizations, BO, SSO, Network, Basis. Tasks: Technical
Landscape responsible with SAP HEC related with the different
Application servers and technologies.
Point of contact between the Cloud Provider and the client. Initial
responsible on project side for the Technical Migration towards
S4HANA from SAP HEC. As a developer. Web Services, ABAP,
WebDynpro Enhancements and SAPUI5. As a basis. Configuration
Fiori Launchpad at FLP@Abap, Configuration Web Services PPM.
Coordination with Network and Security teams. Configuration of BO
CMC SSO Netweaver Upgrades...
Decommissioning of the whole Portal system in favor of FLP@ABAP
towards landscape simplification.

09/2015 - 05/2017
Portal expert / Senior Developer

Technical environment: PPM, Fiori, HEC Cloud, Portal, Hana, Screen
Persona, ABAP, Webservices Tasks: As a developer. Web Services,
ABAP and SAPUI5. As a Portal Specialist and basis. SSO between
systems, Configuration Portal on private HEC Cloud, User Abap
store... Configuration Fiori Launchpad Portal Configuration Web
Services PPM, Configuration Gateway, Netweaver Upgrades
Webdispatcher SSO and rerouting rules.

02/2015 - 05/2015
Sap Grc Technical Consultant
Techedge España; BSCH

07/2013 - 12/2014
HR Consultant
Wipro Technologies; Airbus

HR technology consultant in Eads Airbus. Lot leader on Competence
management. Development on different HCM modules. Technical
Environment Abap, Web Dynpro Abap, FPM, HR OM, Competence

01/2011 - 07/2013
Technical SAP Consultant

Creation and maintenance of Web Dynpro Abap applications for
several departments, HR included.
Technical Environment Abap, Web Dynpro Abap, FPM,
IM3, Portals, ESS, MSS, Adobe Forms.

01/2009 - 12/2010
Technical SAP Consultant

Clients: Bayer, GDF Suez, Dam, ONO, Software AG, Fresenius
Projects: HR Maintenance, System updates and merging
Technical Environment Module Pools, Web Dynpro Abap, Lsmw,
Batch Input, Adobe Forms, Enhancements, Badis, Bapis, Cluster,
Macros, Logical Databases...

06/2008 - 11/2008
Junior Technical SAP Consultant

Internal Project used to learn Abap, specifically Module Pools and
RFC. System to buy airline tickets using Module Pools. Part of the
process was done with Visual Basic and RFC.

Local Availability

Only available for remote work
Available in Europe
Profileimage by Javier BassolsCasanova Technical SAP specialist / Technical Architect / Portal expert / Senior Developer from Escaldes Technical SAP specialist / Technical Architect / Portal expert / Senior Developer