Profileimage by Krzysztof Owczarek SAP ABAP Entwickler from Smolec

Krzysztof Owczarek


Last update: 12.03.2019

SAP ABAP Entwickler

Company: EPSOFT
Graduation: Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Breslau
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: German (Elementary) | English (Limited professional) | Polish (Native or Bilingual)




  • SAP ABAP/4, ABAP objects (ABAP-OO) language
  • Programming experience in SAP R/3 modules: MM, SD , PP, QM, WM, PM, CS, FI.
  • Programming experience in system SAP APO (PP/DS module)
  • Programming experience in standard R/3 systems and industry solutions like Retails, AFS, VMS.
  • List and dialog programming, controls programming including ALV, batch input programming, user exits and Enhancements, BADIs, BAPIs, IDOCs, RFC, LSMW, CATS
  • ABAP webservice consumers, providers, ABAP proxies
  • Sapscript forms and smartforms
  • Experience with whole range of SAP systems, from R/3 3.1F up to ERP 6.0 EHP8, Retail, APO
  • C#, SQL

Project history

6 months ABB, Poland. SD, FI. System ECC 6.0.
SD – Development of interfaces with external Global Ordering System (SAP HANA). Programming of additional functionality in IDocs ORDERS, ORDRSP and building of additional functionality like automatic creation of purchase orders, sales orders and production orders. Programming/building of IDocs processing cockpit. Validation of existing programs and processes.
FI – Programming of additional functionality in IDoc FIDCC2. Validation and update of existing programs/processes.

5 years, HAVI Logistics, Germany. SD, MM, FI. System: ECC 6.0. Build of template and rollouts into European countries.
MM - Enhancement of MIRO transaction – selection of purchasing documents according to customer criteria, influencing invoice items determined by system according to customer fields on header level.
Enhancement of purchase order with additional functionality in pricing.
MM, FI – Creation of additional Fi document during posting of goods receipt for purchase order with differences. Several reports and transactions to automatically create pricing conditions in interactive mode and automatic upload from file. Enhancements in intrastate reporting. Enhancement in PO processing and pricing to handle multicurrency scenarios. Extensions in material master data and vendor master data (development of customer screens). Reports to extract data from ECC into BW. Development of tool to automatically enhance material master data. Development of tool to automatically update material’s future and standard price. Enhancement of MIRO transaction.
SD – Development of interactive tool to create SD pricing conditions. Development of tool to upload SD pricing conditions from file. Several user exits in SD sales document, delivery and billing document. Several user exits in SD billing document to influence creation of accounting document. Development of customer screens in sales document and billing document. Development of customer screens in customer master. Development of interface between external system and ECC to create sales documents via IDOCs. Several user exits in SD pricing – development or requirements and complex calculation routines. Development of tools to create automatically service orders and release them for billing. Development of SD billing document smart form. Development of user exits and tool for export order processing. Development of user exits and tool for proforma invoice processing. Development of additional functionality to extend PT-SAFT processing. Development of invoice list smart form for Sweden. Development of several reports like SD Invoice List, SD Empties List, SD Sales Order Monitor, SD Sales Price List. Development of SD Calculation Sheet smart form for McD. Enhancement of interfaces from ECC into BW.
FI – interfaces to transfer exchange rates from national banks. Enhancement of transaction “Exchange Rates: Worklists”.

3 months, Electrolux, Poland. SD, FI. CRM. System: ECC 6.0.
Go-live support. Corrections in smart forms on ECC and CRM systems. Data migration support – tracking of bugs and providing solution proposals for off-shore development team.

2011, 2012
13 months AGCO, Germany (FENDT). APO (PP/DS), PP, WM, SD. System: ECC 6.0, SCM 7.0.
All APO development and interfaces between APO and ECC are related to PP/DS module on APO side and Production Planning module on ECC side in order to support assembly production.
Extension of processes implemented for VALTRA.
APO - Implementation on APO system plant-dependant production horizons (extension of SAP standard functionality which supports only plant-independent horizons).
PP - Implementation of user exits in production order – setting default values and checking header fields.
PP - Implementation of algorithm for determination of phase-out date for discontinued components used in production.
PP - Implementation of algorithm for determination of phase-in date for a new component on sub-daily level and replacement of discontinued parts in determined production orders.
WM, PP – implementation of functionality to set/clear user defined status in production order in case of creation/cancellation of WM transfer order.
PP – Deviation in production – implementation of dialog transaction to identify production orders based on user selection criteria and replacement of components in orders chosen by user.
SD, APO – Sales order swapping – implementation of dialog transaction allowing to swap reserved slots on APO for two sales orders selected by user.
WM – “Action Point/Trigger Handling”. Enhancement of WM processes allowing to create automatically, based on custom configuration, transfer orders for a group of production orders on production line.
WM – implementation of program to create manually sequence racks (WM transfer orders for a group of selected production orders).

2010, 2011
12 months AGCO, Finland (VALTRA). APO (PP/DS), PP, WM, SD, MM. System: ECC 6.0, SCM 7.0.
All APO development and interfaces between APO and ECC are related to PP/DS module on APO side and Production Planning module on ECC side in order to support assembly production.
Interfaces between ECC and APO systems.
APO - Transaction for maintenance of restrictions on APO system – customer specific replacement for transaction:  Production Planning -> Automated Production Planning and Optimizing -> Model Mix Planning -> Restriction Maintenance - /SAPAPO/RET2.
APO, PP - Additional functionality implement for sequencing of planned orders on APO (transaction Production Planning -> Automated Production Planning and Optimizing -> Model Mix Planning -> Sequencing /SAPAPO/SEQ1) – automatic calculation of sequence number for planned order per production line and working day and transfer of calculated sequence number to ECC system and update of corresponding production order, display of additional customer fields transferred through CIF from ECC, possibility to specify by user additional text for planned order which is transferred to ECC and updated in production order’s long text. Interface to update of corresponding objects (production orders and planned orders) on ECC system.
APO - Interface ECC-APO which allows working on APO with planned orders and avoid deletion of APO planned orders after conversion of ECC planned order into ECC production order (blocking of deletion message on APO side) – implemented using Core Interface functionality.
APO/SD - Additional interface/functionality to update sales order schedule line date on ECC system in case of sales order re-slotting on APO in transaction Reservations Planning Board (enhancement of standard transaction /SAPAPO/RSP_G1 due to gap in SAP standard process).
PP, SD - Interfaces between ECC and Manufacturing Execution System (IDOCs with production orders, sales orders, production order confirmations).
CO - Interface for handling of defects in MES system – development of custom IDOC and program to make automatically, based on custom configuration, goods movements and postings to internal orders.
PP - Implementation of user exits in production order – update and check of production order sequence number, update of production order long text based on text entered by user on APO side, additional data consistency checks in production order, implementation of rules influencing sending of LOIPRO IDOC to MES system.
Extension of Change Master transaction – sending of e-mail notifications to distribution lists in case of status change to Approved.
WM, PP, APO - “Action-Point/Trigger Handling”. Implementation of program handling messages coming from production line and based on custom configuration performing activities on ECC system:
  • WM – creation of transfer orders based on transfer requirements according to defined rules
  • WM – creation and modification of JIT-calls sent to external providers
  • WM – sending of custom IDOC to external warehouse system (METRO) with items relevant for picking
  • WM – changing JIT-calls based on changes in production orders (replacement of components and change of requirement date/time)
  • APO – updating statuses of corresponding planned orders on APO and deletion of planned orders after finishing or cancellation of production order on ECC.
PP - Implementation of algorithm called “Pearl-Chain” which gives an information about sequence of production orders on the assembly line and waiting before beginning of assembly line – used internally by framework “Action Point/Trigger Handling”.
WM - Implementation of custom actions in JIT-calls.
Implementation of user exits in order to influence requirement date and time in picking order/transfer order based on sequence of production orders at assembly line.
Implementation of program to create transfer orders based on transfer requirements according to grouping rules defined in custom configuration.
WM – Implementation of custom functionality for IDOC WMTOCO (transfer order confirmation).
PP - Enhancement of COOIS transaction – customer fields on different levels.
SD - Implementation of enhancement in sales order processing transaction to check batch number.
MM - Implementation of enhancement in purchase order processing to extend standard message determination by plant from purchase order position.

4 months Warner & Chilcott, Germany. PP, MM, SD. System ECC 5.0.
Implementation of PP PI-Sheet. Migration of purchasing info records and source list using LSMW. Implementation of Model N Report – export of changed material master data, customer master data, price list conditions and invoices. Outbound interface.

2009, 2010
6 months Sandoz, Germany. SHAPE implementation in Canada. SD, MM. System ERP 6.0.
Invoice and order confirmation smartforms.
Cheque printout.
Implementation of several user exits enhancing sales order processing.
Implementation of procedures enhancing batch search strategy.
Enhancement of SAP transactions to maintain customer master data (VD01/VD02) – handling of customer specific screens.
Implementation of ABAP proxies – inbound interfaces from UPS warehouse and MDP warehouses (third-party logistics partner warehouses) on a daily basis.
Enhancement of existing program SLIM Sample Throughput Time Report, developed for Core business.

11 months Sandoz, Germany. SD, MM, QM, PP, FI, SCM. System ERP 6.0.
Support. Solving of problems and development of new solutions in all areas of SAP system (reports, smartforms, sapscripts, idocs, user exits/enhancements) coming from all countries implemented in SHAPE. Control of development quality.
Product Availability – automatic logging and displaying of all worldwide product orders providing automated measurement of product availability, thus enhancing KPI reporting in SCM.
Throughput Time Report – solution to provide in BI information about different categories of throughput times.
Support after production start in Austria.
Implementation of report SLIM Sample Throughput Time Report - overview of the time elapsed between some important milestones of the batch and Inspection lot lifecycle, from process order status TECO to Batch Release.

3 months Carlsberg, Poland. FI, SD, LE. System ERP 2005.
Delivery Note printout (SMARTFORMS tool). Picking List printout (SMARTFORMS tool). Driver Information printout (SMARTFORMS tool). Excise Document printout (SMARTFORMS tool). Accordancy Document printout (SMARTFORMS tool).
Outbound interface to external system Telema – sending electronic invoices and list of stock items in XML format (conversion to XML format using Simple Transformation tool) from SAP system to external ftp server.
Outbound interface to external system Narvesen – sending weekly invoice list from SAP by e-mail.
Inbound and outbound interface to external system Mego – fetching from external ftp server order information and creation of sales orders in SAP system (BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2), sending invoices from SAP system to external ftp server.
Interface to external system Reslink – sending equipment list from SAP system to external ftp server.

4 months Novartis, Poland. FI, LE. System 4.6C.
Vendor Balance Confirmation printout (SMARTFORMS tool) . Account Statement for Customer printout (SMARTFORMS tool). Picking List printout  (SMARTFORMS tool). Ciba Vision FI interface (inbound interface to make FI postings using interface framework build by internal Novartis’ basis team). Migration of fixed assets (LSMW tool). Migration of account payable open items and account receivable open items (LSMW tool). Fixed asset forms (SMARTFORMS tool).

5 months Brenntag, Belgium. SD. MM. QM. System ERP 2005.
Program to update automatically purchasing info record price (Report. IDoc COND_A used to update condition records). Program for automatic maintenance of MM pricing conditions (Report. IDoc COND_A used to update condition records). Program for automatic maintenance of SD market and sales conditions (Report. Market conditions maintained by BAPI BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS. Sales conditions maintained by IDoc COND_A based on proposal created automatically and adjusted manually by user). Enhancements in automatic batch determination in delivery – quantity routine. Interface to external shipment planning system Intertour (Report. Exchange of delivery data with Intertour by text file. Based on planned shipments by Intertour shipments in SAP system created by BAPI BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE. Update of geo-coding information in customer master using function ADDR_UPDATE based on address data (geo-coding information for given address provided by external system). Extensions to QM certificate creation. Implementation of user exit to determine additional partner function in inbound delivery. Implementation of user exit to determine delivery transportation planning relevancy. Interfaces to external system Stratech – customizing output determination in corresponding application areas to send IDocs with intercompany billing documents (IDoc EXPINV), shipments (IDoc SHPMNT) and deliveries (IDoc DESADV).

5 months Petrom, Romania. Retail. System 4.7 Enterprise Retail.
Automatic settlement of listing fees (Report. Update of condition records by BAPI BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS). Automatic Rackjobber processing (Report. Automatic creation of info records by IDoc INFREC. Automatic creation of assortment modules, assignment of sites to assortment modules). Sending of supplier’s data to petrol stations by customer defined IDoc (Report. Distribution of IDocs by function MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE). Modifications in SAP Script forms.

1,5 months EvoBus, Germany. FI. System 4.6C.
Interface between SAP systems and MIF FI consolidation system used by DaimlerChrysler (Report. Aggregation of data and download to text file).

3 months Sandoz, Germany. QM, MM, PP. System 4.6C.
Migration of material classification data (Report. Data Transfer Workbench). Migration of batches and classification of batches(Report. Creation of batches by BAPI BAPI_BATCH_CREATE. Data Transfer Workbench used to create classification data for batches). Migration of vendor master data (Report. Data Transfer Workbench), planned orders (Report. BAPI BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CREATE used to create orders), open purchase orders (Report. BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE1 used to create purchase orders), inspection plans.

2 months Raiffeisen, Germany. Retail, MM. System 4.7 Enterprise Retail.
Additional functionality to handle vendors material numbers (Report). Automatic creation of articles and pricing conditions by IDocs (Additional functionality in conversion exit. Materials created by IDoc ARTMAS. Condition records created by IDoc COND_A).

3,5 months BYK-Chemie, USA. WM, PP, LE. System 4.7 Enterprise.
BYK-Chemie USA rollout support. Creation of additional reports and smart forms to fulfill US requirements/regulations.
Tote Management extension (additional functionality, user exits, reports to handle returned packages). User exit in sales order pricing procedure.
Sapscripts: Packing list, Picking list, Invoice, Order confirmation.

1 week Ożarów, Poland. DMS.
Additional functionality in document management (Implementation of user exit to determine correct directory on FTP server).

1,5months BYK-Chemie, Germany. SD, MM, FI, WM, QM. System 4.7 Enterprise.
Unicode Umstellung (support during migration to Unicode system (Corrections in existing programs to fulfil Unicode requirements).

6,5 months HTS Boco, Germany. MM, WM. System 4.6C.
Programming additional functionality to handle wash order processing (new business process, new transactions and reports).
Programming additional functionality to handle set-up order processing (new business process, new transactions and reports).
Programming additional functionality to handle storage bins.
Programming Article Stock Overview report (Report. Implementation of stock movements by BAPI BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE).

2 months BYK-Chemie, Germany. SD, HU, WM. System 4.7 Enterprise.
Implementation of label printing program (Report. Used in Output Determination for Shipments).
Design of labels for Printronix thermal printers.

9 months HTS Boco, Germany. SD, MM. System 4.6C.
Programming tool to create material master data (Report. IDoc MATMAS used to create materials).
Programming additional functionality to handle wash order processing (Reports. transactions).
Programming additional functionality to handle set-up order processing (Reports. transactions).

2 months Tecan Instruments, Switzerland. SD, MM. System 4.6C.
Programming additional functionality to handle production of parts by Tecan-USA.

2 weeks Mondi Packaging Paper, Poland. PM. System 4.6C.
Programming user exits in transaction Order Processing.

1 month PLL LOT, Poland. FI.
Additional report to process automatically down payments and exchange rates.

2 weeks Mondi Packaging Paper, Poland. DMS. System 4.6C.
Additional functionality in document management (Implementation of user exit to determine correct directory on FTP server).

9 months Tecan, Switzerland. MM, SD. System 4.6C.
Additional functionality to automate intercompany processes (intercompany orders, returns, make-to stock).
Programming additional functionality in sales orders and purchase orders.
Programming program to update sales prices, standard prices and purchasing info record prices for the whole group (different companies and sales organizations).
Programming additional functionality in IDocs to handle automatic delivery confirmations from logistic and production plants.

1 month Polish State Mint, Poland. MM. System 4.6C.
Programming additional reports and sapscripts.

1 month PLL LOT, Poland. MM, FI. System 4.6C.
Programming additional reports.
Programming sapscripts and smartforms.

1 month Mondi Packaging Paper, Poland. PM. System 4.6C.
Programming sapscripts.
Creation of master data for functional locations and  equipments (Reports. Data Transfer Workbench used to create master data).

8 months AMAG, Switzerland. VMS.
Programming actions.
Programming additional functionality in warranty module.
PM. Master data transfer (functional locations, equipments).

1month Polkomtel S.A., Poland. MM, SD, FI/AA, QM. System 4.6C.
Implementation of additional functionality in Purchasing and QM (user exits, modifications of standard transactions).

2 months Zumtobel Staff, Austria. MM, PP.
Additional reports. Support.

1month Spar, Switzerland. Retail, BW. System 4.0 Retail.
Data export from SAP system to BW (deliveries and invoices).

4 month Möbel Pfister, Switzerland. Retail, SD, MM. System 4.0 Retail.
Additional reports to support sales processes.
Implementation of additional functionality in MRP (user exits).

1 month Spar, Switzerland. Retail, SD, MM. System 4.0 Retail.
Additional functionality in processing of purchase orders.
Modifications of standard reports and transactions.

1 month Raab Karcher, Poland. FI.
Processing of bank account statements.

1 month Mondi Packaging Paper, Poland. SD.
Master data migration.
Additional reports for processing shipment documents.

1 month Saint-Gobain Abrasives, Poland. FI.
Master data migration.
Processing of bank account statements.

2 months Möbel Pfister, Switzerland. SD, MM, Retail. System 4.0 Retail.
Additional reports to support sale and materials requirements planning.

2 weeks Intercell, Poland. PP.
Reporting. Calculation of wastes in production.

1 month DEC, Poland. SD.
Implementation of additional module to support tracks movements.

1 month Head, Austria. AFS, PP. System 3.1F AFS.
User exits in MRP.

1 month Rokita S.A., Poland. FI. System 4.0.
Processing of bank account statements.

5 months Kayser-Threde, Germany. SD, MM, FI. System 4.5B.
Master data migration.
Enhancements in CATS module.
Reporting in CO and QM.
Data exchange between SAP system and external system through Office applications (Excel, Access).

5 months Bally, Switzerland. SD, MM, FI, AFS. System 3.1F AFS.
Reporting and batch input transactions.
Dialog transactions.
Additional functionality in SD and AFS (reports, user exits).
Additional module in SAP to support Bally shops in Asia (new transactions, reports, links to standard SAP modules SD, MM, FI).

6 months Bally, Switzerland. SD, MM, AFS. System 3.1F AFS.
Reporting and batch input transactions.
Dialog transactions.
Interfaces between SAP system and external systems.

Local Availability

Open to travel worldwide
Profileimage by Krzysztof Owczarek SAP ABAP Entwickler from Smolec SAP ABAP Entwickler