larbi kidd


Last update: 06.06.2023

3D/2D automotive harness engineer

Graduation: Mechatronics engineer
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: Arabic (Native or Bilingual) | English (Full Professional) | French (Full Professional)


Electrical Wirings Automotive Industry Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CATIA) 3D Modeling Computer-Aided Design Automotive Electronics LTspice Material Requirements Planning Routing Simulations + 5 more keywords


1°°Product development  engineer ,3D mechanical Cable design /DMU :
-OEM harnesses specifications and environment.
-Design/validation of automotive wire harness 3D package (CAD) with CATIA V5/V6.
-Concept/design of harness routings and harness components.
-Mechanical changes in the 3D models.
-Check and improvement of the 3D models.
-Manage the Harness BOM, cable list, and all design documentation.
-Cart parts for DMU and TAR file creation.
-Module definition for harness: routing, connectors, fixing part... 
2°°Product development engineer , 2D electrical cable design WD:
-Automotive electrical changes: harnesses specifications and environment, VW norms.
-Check /analyze the system shalt plan and drawings preparation.
-The properties of the wires: section, color,  variant, part number…
-Wire list and Bill of Material (BOM).
-DFMEA preparation.
-Client/OEM coordination.
-CAN-FD topology: Simulation, calculation, and reporting of FAIL performance .

Tools:  Excel, LCable (VoBES), EB-Cable Automotive, LDorado Design, Elena, LTspice, CATIA V5, KVS, ELENA, CATIA V5 EHI/EHA, KVS.


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Open to travel worldwide
Profileimage by larbi kidd 3D/2D automotive harness engineer from Ariana 3D/2D automotive harness engineer