Profileimage by Michele Sarcina Senior Full Stack Developer from

Michele Sarcina


Last update: 06.09.2022

Senior Full Stack Developer

Graduation: University of Bari Aldo Moro
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional) | Italian (Native or Bilingual)




I have over 5 years of web and application development experience.
I am a very motivated web developer with a passion for creating user-friendly and highly functional web pages.

I always employ advanced/cutting-edge technologies to build websites of high quality following best practices to make products that are scalable, maintainable, readable, reusable, extensible, etc.

I'm proficient in both frontend and backend web programming languages, and I've mainly implemented applications with the following technologies.

✅ Front-end tech and tools:

✓ AngularJS, Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8, TypeScript, Ngrx, RxJS, Akita, Lazy Loading, Angular Material, Angular Animation
✓ React.js, Redux ( Saga | Thunk ), Context API, ES 6/7, Hook, TypeScript, GraphQL, NextJS, GatsbyJS
✓ Vue.js, Vuetify, Vuex

✅ Back-end tech and tools:

✓ ASP.NET, ASP.NET core, C#
✓ Node.js
✓ Express
✓ PHP(Laravel, Codeigniter, WordPress)
✓ Python/Django
✓ Ruby on Rails

My aim is to provide the best quality products at a competitive price and build a long lasting relation with my client.

I pride myself on providing the highest quality of work and will never complete a project until the client is 100% satisfied.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me.
Feel free to contact me at any time so that I can help you reach your online goals and make you and your team successful.

Project history

08/2018 - 09/2019
Lead Developer
Axant; Michele Sa

Custom Software Solutions company focused on design,

development and whole project life maintenance of Web

Applications, Mobile Applications and IT Services.
As a lead developer, I've worked to build various web & mobile apps

using Javascript frameworks and mobile application frameworks

such as React Native and Ionic.

DEVELOPER MERN Stack developer

Smarkets simplifies peer-to-peer trading on sporting and political


SKILLS Tech Stack : React, Node, Express, MongoDB
* Front End

* ReactJS, Redux(Saga/Thunk), Context Rentberry

API, React Hooks, Gatsby.js, Next.js, Angular develoer
GraphQL Rentberry is a transparent rental application and price negotiation
* AngularJS, Angular(2/4/5/6/7/8/9), platform uniting tenants and landlords.
Ngrx, Angular Universal Tech Stack :Angular 5, Ngrx, Node, MongoDB
* Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, Nuxt.js URL :

* Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3


* Node.js, Express.js Ruby on Rails developer
* Python, Django Tastemade is a global media company for modern consumers, with
* Ruby on Rails studios and offices around the world.
* PHP(Laravel,Codeigniter,Wordpress) Tech Stack : Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL
* Firebase URL :

Jet Edge
* Mobile
* Android, iOS Python, Django Developer

* React Native, Ionic Jet Edge was built to service the most sophisticated individuals and
* Objective-C, Swift, Flutter, Xamarin corporations in the world.

* Database Tech Stack : Python, Django
* Firestore, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, URL :

MySQL Realtor
* Source control React Native developer
* Git, GitHub, BitBucket, Gitlab has more homes, condos, townhomes and apartments
* Deployment for sale in the US than any other home buying app.
* AWS, GCP, Heroku Tech Stack : React Native
* Task Management URL :

* Jira, Trello, Monday, Redmine

01/2017 - 05/2018
Senior Full Stack Engineer

Worked on Life cycle methods to control the component, mount,

7+ Years of xperience in u tac rendering and unmount in React JS.
Development Used React Router for routing the redux app to connect redux and
react to support routes.
I am a very motivated web developer
Worked on state, specs, props and events to create interactive React
with a passion for creating user-friendly JS components.
and highly functional web pages. Used Node JS for database operation for logging, node event emitter

for all engines.
I always employ advanced/cutting-edge
technologies to build websites of high Senior Full Stack Engineer

quality following best practices to make Freelancer & Self-Employed, Jun 2018 - Present

products that are scalable, In this position I build Dynamic Web and Mobile Interfaces for

maintainable, readable, reusable, Companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield, FAA, Marriott, and other

extensible, etc. public and private entities.

The tech stack I am using is MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and

My aim is to provide the best quality Node JS), PERN (Postgresql, Express, React, and Node), MEAN
products at a competitive price and (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node JS), Python/Django and Ruby
build a long lasting relation with my on Rails.
Sole developer at a independent freelance developer using full stack
client. modern technologies to develop both and an offline client for a work
order system used in the filed and an online back office that manages
I pride myself on providing the highest work orders sync'd in from the field client.
quality of work and will never complete

10/2014 - 12/2016
Web Developer
Infinite Open Source Solutions LLP

Infinite Open Source Solutions LLP ( IOSS) is a custom software
development company delivering web development, mobile

application development and IT consulting services with more thanio

years of successfully delivering end-to-end solutions. IOSS has a

great team of so+ highly skilled IT experts.
FULL STACK DEVELOPER Worked in this company as a web developer with Python/Django

02/2013 - 09/2014
Software Engineer
Smart Energy Connect

Owned the website project for the church, gained a lot of experience
Worked with PHP, vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and

maintained their website.

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Italy
I am looking for only remote position
Profileimage by Michele Sarcina Senior Full Stack Developer from Senior Full Stack Developer