Profileimage by Mike Lepcsik Product designer from LasPalmasdeGranCanaria

Mike Lepcsik


Last update: 11.10.2024

Product designer

Graduation: Dipl. Ing. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: German (Native or Bilingual) | English (Full Professional) | Spanish (Full Professional) | Hungarian (Native or Bilingual)


Java (Programming Language) HTML PHP (Programming Language) AutoCAD ArcGIS (Software) JIRA Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Drupal JSON Joomla + 12 more keywords




Adobe, Adobe XD, Airtable, AngularJS, ArcGIS, AutoCAD, backup solutions, CSS, CAD, Drupal, Eclipse, Figma, GIT, HTML, Jira, JSON, Java Programming, Java, Joomla, MySQL, PHP, Postman, VueJS, web applications, Wordpress, Zeplin

Project history

11/2020 - 09/2022
Role Co-founder & Product designer
DeskNow GmbH

Main activities and I was responsible for identifying user requirements, creating the product vision,
responsibilitiesprioritization of features and communication with developers and stakeholders.
I used my skills in product design, UX/UI design, prototyping, usability testing and user
research to create a solution that is both user-friendly and effective. I also used my skills
in project management to develop the solution on time and within the budget.

Company DeskNow GmbH, Reken. With DeskNow workplace management solution and more, all
from one place.

Field of business or sector Workspace management

05/2017 - 10/2020
Web developer
CIB Software GmbH

Main activities and I was working as a web developer for CIB Labs S.L. in the marketing department. Our
responsibilitiesprojects included the development of online web applications for our products. I
maintained 25 websites and dealed with web analysis and documentation.

Company CIB Software GmbH, Munich. The company supports IT projects from planning to
implementation and maintenance. Advice on the main topics of financial institutions,
insurance companies, public administrations.

Field of business or sector IT-infrastructure services

09/2015 - 04/2017
Technical support in German and Spanish

Main activities and I used CRM to support customers by phone, web and email, taking inquiries and finding
responsibilitiessolutions for them. I worked with different wireless standards, network security, NAS,
RAID and backup solutions.

09/2009 - 08/2015
Role Founder and director
One Way Academy

Main activities and I worked as a web designer special for UX/UI and multimedia German teacher. I worked
responsibilitiesfor individuals, groups and small and large companies such as Anfi del Mar and Lopesan

Company One Way, c/ Doramas, 2, 35001, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Field of business or sector IT and education

03/2009 - 09/2009
Technical support with German

Main activities and I worked on the technical support team of employees of the German company Umicore
responsibilities( and offered phone, web and email service to employees worldwide
when technical problems arose. I dealt with a variety of problems related to the network,
operating system, SAP and Lotus Notes.

Company Computacenter, Carrer de Balmes, 236, 08006, Barcelona, Spain -
Computacenter is Europe's leading provider of IT infrastructure services and supports
various companies worldwide.

Field of business or sector IT- Infrastructure services

11/2007 - 12/2008

Main activities and Participation in a project as a landscape architect with ArcGIS and AutoCAD. Creation of
responsibilitieslandscape planning projects for the Italian city of Bitonto, submitted to the city

08/2006 - 02/2007
Role Geoinformatics Researcher and University Lecturer
Institute for Geoinformatics, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

Main activities and Research in the project "3D flood visualization along the Selke"
responsibilitiesLecturer for "Informatics of Landscape" and "Informatics of Landscape Planning"

Company Institute for Geoinformatics, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Bernburg

Field of business or sector Landscape planning

Local Availability

Only available for remote work
Profileimage by Mike Lepcsik Product designer from LasPalmasdeGranCanaria Product designer