Project history
At 112Motion, Minto is assigned the task to guarantee that functional wishes can not only be realized but also lead to future proof and scalable solutions. The aim is to come up with generic solutions where possible.
An example of this is a system (TraeckIt) for storing, distributing and processing sensor data (from inhouse developed wearable devices). This system can store and distribute information from new sensors without requiring any modification to the system. For processing purposes it is able to integrate with 3rd party solutions in a generic configurable way.
In addition to the design and implementation of TraeckIt, Minto has a full technical overview. This includes custom designed wearable devices and the in house developed business rules engine.
Company description:
112Motion is a young company that focuses on fall detection and prevention for mainly the elderly. To this end, they developed their own hard- and software that makes it possible to monitor the target audience on various aspects. It not only encourages the target audience to exercise more (which reduces the risk of falling), but it also actively reacts in the event of fall incidents.
Operating Systems : Linux, Google Cloud, IBM Bluemix
Methods/techniques : IoT, MQTT, AMQP, Rest, JSON, MessageQueing, TDD, CI, CD, API first
Tools : OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, InfluxDB, Kafka, Kubernetes, Quarkus, Smallrye, Eclipse MicroProfile, Knative, Docker, Apache Camel
With the technology (Annotations) of the Digimelding project, it is also possible to record first address of residence for labor immigrants when issueing new citizen service numbers. With the experiences gained earlier, we have succeeded in setting up an annotation model for first addresses of residence. This made it possible to record these addresses in the previously developed AStore.
Minto has not only designed the technical solution but also did nearly the entire software development. To allow Reva to go into production at the same time as RNI, work was carried out under extreme time pressure. We succeeded getting Reva ready in time whereas RNI required some delay.
Despite high time pressure, we have succeeded in building an extremely stable application. In fact, no production disruption has occurred since it was taken into production. This despite the fact that the number of participating municipalities is also considerably larger than initially anticipated.
Project description:
The Non-Residents Registration system (RNI) records a limited set of personal data. However not the first address of residence, since there was no legislation yet. However to support municipalities a pilot project called ‘Registratie Eerste Verblijfadres Arbeidsmigraten’ (REVA) was started.
Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
Methods/techniques : Java, Semantic Web, RDF, Sparql, OSGi, W3C Open Annotation
Tools : Git, Github, Jenkins, Maven, Apache Clerezza, Apache Karaf, Apache Wicket, SonarQube, Apache Jena, OpenLink Virtuoso, Docker, Apache JMeter, Vagrant, Ansible
Recommendations (see also my LinkedIn profile):
Chatish Sitaldien 03-2015
“I am glad Minto was part of my team. You can count on Minto when a sprint needs to be completed with hardly no issues left. He is very reliable, transparant and understands how to 'Scrum' . Besides his extensive knowledge he is eager to learn new things and takes the time to explain when necessary. I will not hesitate a second, who to pick to complete my team next time.”
Udo Pijpker (02-2015):
“Minto is a very professional and skilled software architect & developer who understands that what he is doing is part of a bigger picture. He can make decisions with this bigger picture in mind and has shown a very good insight in the way government in the Netherlands works with his continuous efforts to make Digimelding 2.0 and REVA flexible, solid and futureproof. And last but not least: Minto is a great guy to work with. Relaxed & nice but honest & outspoken when he thinks things can be done better.”
With the AuthorizationHub (AH) Minto took an API First approach. Where he first described the external and internel interfaces (API) of the authorization hub based on Rest principles. To formalise this approahc he introduced OpenAPI, as a result the interface is not only well documented, but can also maintained quite easily under version control.
Minto has applied a "pluggable" approach to the implementation, as a result underlying authorization systems can be added by means of a plugin. The result is that new authorization providers can be added without having to adjust the AH itself.
A CI / CD pipeline has been set up so new versions can, quickly and automatically, be rolled out to a (Pivotal) Cloud Foundry environment.
Project description:
As a result of the merger of Rabobank Nederland with Rabobank International, the bank had 3 systems for managing access rights for its end users. In preparation for migration to a single system, it was decided to decouple the authori-zation information from the actual underlying systems through an abstration layer, AuthorizationHub (AH).
Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Azure Cloud
Methods/techniques : Soap, Rest, Xml, JSON, Scrum, TDD, BDD, AOP, CI, CD, API first
Tools : Git, Jenkins, Maven, Swagger / OpenAPI, Cucumber, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, (Pivotal) Cloud Foundry, WireMock, JWT
Recommendations (see also my LinkedIn profile):
Mark Olsn (06-2019):
“Worked with Minto in the same scrum team. He was a java development lead within the team. He is proactive, initiated the discussions / brain storm sessions. Minto is a team player, communicative, supportive, helpful & always shared his knowledge.”
By introducing an abstract API layer to SCUPA, Minto has contributed to decoupling the existing authorization system backend from it user applications. Previously, various user applications of authorization data had direct access to the authorization database. Due to the abstraction layer, the imple-mentation has been decoupled of the usage, but it has also enabled monitoring of data access and manipulation for auditing purposes.
He has also played an important role in automating the software delivery process and the transition to a DevOps-based way of working. By introducing a fully automated build and deployment process (CI/CD), dependence on the traditional OPS engineer has been reduced. This has made it possible to act considerably faster to incidents and sometimes even roll out new versions the same day.
Project description:
After an audit of Rabobank International's authorization system, it became clear that the system needed a number of improvements. Beside improving the system the entire delivery process also needed to be streamlined and automated.
Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Azure Cloud
Methods/techniques : Soap, Rest, Xml, JSON, MessageQueueing, Scrum, TDD, BDD, AOP, CI, CD
Tools : Subversion, Git, GitHub, Jenkins, Maven, XL Deploy, Swagger, Cucumber, AspectJ, Spring
Recommendations (see also my LinkedIn profile):
Rui Jim (06-2019):
“Minto can quickly acquire technical matters. He is not afraid to share his knowledge. All in all, great / enthusiastic technician to work with.”
In the initiation phase ideas were developed regarding creating notifications and exchanging them. After the phase, Minto was asked to convert the acquired ideas about reporting back inaccurasies into a software system. To this end together with the functional architect the initial concepts were converted into models for recording, requesting and exchanging feedbacks in the form of annotations. For these annotations, the now standardized W3C Web Annotation Data Model was used at an early stage.
There are also various agreements between source holders and customers regarding the various ‘BasisRegistraties’. As a result it soon became clear that "one size fits no-one". A system was therefore needed that was flexible enough to dynamically deal with these changing agreements. Minto was not only the spiritual father of this flexible and generic tool for recording and requesting annotations (AStore), but also built it almost entirely himself.
In addition the existing feedback system was, together with others, enhanced to also support the new annotation mechanism. Minto has performed the following tasks:
Co-developer and architect to further develop a common system (BLT) for registration and consultation of feedback reports.
Architect / Developer of TMV+, for the integration of the new system (BLT) and the existing BRP Feedback system (TMV).
Control over refactoring whereby the size and complexity was significantly reduced without loss of functionality.
Project description:
With Digimelding, in the event of reasonable doubt, governments can report alleged inaccuracies in data from ‘BasisRegistraties’ uniformly and efficiently to the owner / source holder of this data. The source holder investigates these alleged inaccuracies and, if necessary, corrects them in the ‘Basis-Registratie’.
For feedback reports of the alleged inaccuracies, the Digimelding 2.0 project made use of the concept of labels or annotations (similar to sticky notes). A technical equivalent for this is the W3C standard Web Annotation Data Model.
Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
Methods/techniques : Java, J2EE, JSP, Spring MVC, Semantic Web, RDF, Sparql, OSGi, W3C Web Annotation Model
Tools : Git/Github, Jenkins, Maven, Apache Clerezza, Apache Stanbol, Apache Karaf, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, SonarQube, Apache Jena, Apache Isis, Docker, Grafana, InfluxDB
Recommendations (see also my linkedin profile):
Mike Dell (04-2015):
“As a highly experienced developer and architect, Minto contributed considerably to the project. He laid the solid foundation for innovative processing of linked data in an environment where reliability plays a very important role. The involvement of Minto ensured that the production deadlines were met.”
Due to a lack of available expertise, on both and the supplier of XL Deploy’s side, Minto was asked to help out. Due to his expertise of XL Deploy in previous projects Minto was able to assist in implementing XL Deploy. He performed the following duties:
Set up XL Deploy
Setting up the infrastructure and environments in XL Deploy in a scripted way (python) using the XL Deploy possibilities. As a result the setting up XL Deploy is not only reproduceable, but also mantainable under version control.
Continuous delivery
The automated build proces (jenkins) was extended with the import of applications into XL Deploy and fully automated deploy of these application to development environments.
Maintenance scripts
To simplify mantenance Minto create a number of scripts (python) that closely match the process already in use. Examples of these scripts are: cleaning up available application versions; rollback support (called flexclone) of special versions; Bundling applications into a SuperBol for roll out to acceptance environments and beyond.
After completion Minto was asked on multiple occasions to think along and make minor adjustments.
Project description: is continuously working on innovation. Because of that there is a continuous flow of new and enhanced functionality. To cope with these changes the work process is highly standardised for database as well as (web) applications.
To also automate the manual roll out to DTAP environments, Bol decided to use XL Deploy. As a result the roll out cycle has been drastically shortened from once a week to at least once day.
Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
Methods/techniques : Java, Python, shell-scripting
Tools : XL Deploy, Jenkins, Maven
Recommendations (see also my linkedin profile):
Martin van Steenis (08-2012):
“Minto worked for Xebia as Deployment Consultant for complex Java based applications environments leveraging XL Deploy (XebiaLabs product). He is an experienced technology consultant with deep technical knowledge and an accurate developer/ implementer.”
Local Availability
Preferably remote jobs;
But willing to travel anywhere in Europe, and depending on the project maybe even beyond that.