Rabail Farrukh


Last update: 20.06.2023

Mobile App Developer, Mobile Developer

Graduation: BSCS , Computer Science
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional)


Apple IOS Debugging Mobile Application Software Software Engineering Restful Api Android (Software) Unit Testing Databases Model View Controller (MVC) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) + 123 more keywords




Adobe, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Agile, agile software development, Android framework, Android application, Android versions, Android NDK, Android SDK, Android Studio, ANT, Apache Web Server, Apache, Maven, Struts, Tomcat, App Store, iOS, MacOS, Mac OS 10, iOS 6.0, XCode, application performance, APIs, API, Augmented Reality, backend, Bit bucket, Bluetooth, Build Automation, business logic, C/C++, CSS, Nexus, Client- Server, cloud storage, Cocoa Touch, code reviews, animation, designing software, concurrency, Contact Manager, core Data, MS-DOS, logging, data flow, streaming, Data Structure, Databases, Database, Data base, UI design, Eclipse, XML, XP, Firebase, Flutter, GIT, GITHUB, GitLab, GPS Location, Google Cloud Messaging, GCM, Google maps, Google Play, Gradle, HTML, XHTML, Hibernate, User Interface, http requests, Computer Science, JIRA, JQuery, JSON, Java, Java SDK, JDK, GUIs, J2EE, Servlets, JavaScript, JSP, Jenkins, JUnit, Kotlin, location services, material design, memory leaks, memory management, MS Access, Access, Excel, MS Office Tools, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visio, Visual Studio Code, Windows, Windows 10, Word, mobile app, mobile applications, Mobile application, MVC, MVC pattern, MVC design pattern, Mongo DB, MongoDB, Multithreading, MySQL, NetBeans, Nginx, NoSQL, object Oriented Programming, Objective-C, Objective C, Operating System, Oracle 11g, Oracle 10g, Parse, parsing, PostgreSQL, Programming Languages, Push Notifications, RFID, React Native, Redux, react, Red Hat, REST APIs, RESTful, RESTful services, REST API, SQL, SQL queries, SQLite, Scrum, Serialization, Shell scripts, SOAP, single page application, singleton, Slack, bug fixing, debugging, bugs, debug, Debugged, design patterns, software design, Application development, software development, app development, version control, Source Code Management, spring, Stripe, SVN, Subversion, Swift, SDLC, tablets, Twilio, Linux Ubuntu, UiKit, unit tests, unit test, unit testing, authentication, web application development, Web application, web servers, web services, web service, wsDL, Web Technology, wireframe, XCTest

Project history

01/2018 - 01/2020
Mobile App Developer
ZG Technologies

* Involved in requirement gathering, UI design and development.
* Participates in development phases of SDLC from analysis, design, development, and test to deployment
and support.
* Used Android SDK and Android Studio for development.
* Developed the activities and UI layers for the application as per requirement using Views and Widgets.
* Used fragments to build small re-usable pieces that are easier to manage and allow for a more design and
can adapt to tablet.
* Participates in designing software solutions by writing sections of Design Specifications, description of
framework, interfaces, services, reports, business components, and interaction between the components
under the guidance of the Architect.
* Used SQLite Data base to maintain the data by using the methods to insert update and to delete the data.
* Developed the SQLite database to store and display data when application would be offline.
* Integrated with web service and mobile device to share information with each other.

* Integrated with different Android versions.
* Implemented XML service to parse user's data coming from server.
* Embedded Google Maps API, GPS Location Data into app with zooming controls.
* Given the code to generate the Latitude and Longitude values to trace out the location services.
* Given the code to generate the accelerometer for the location services.
* Implemented Notification Manager to display updates on the notification bar.
* Worked on push notifications with the help of GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) Services.
* Design screens using MVC pattern for the application with Android Studio IDE.
* Work closely with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between Mobile
application and Web application.
* Worked on Implementation Ul screens using storyboard in iOS 9 and iOS 10 with the help of stack view
and Auto layout and size classes.
* Using React Native framework for iOS creating an application.
* By Core animation we create Custom animation
* Migrated Project from iOS 8 to iOS 9.
* Automation of the daily builds and integration of the build system by Shell scripts and Ci Jenkins tool.
Experience with building scripts.
* Executing initiation. planning, technical analysis, design, code, debug and testing of iOS and Android
mobile applications.
* Working experience on Swift language using Tuples, optional, enums and so on.
* Error Handling experience, guard, defer and APls availability based on Swift 2.1.
* Worked mainly on UIWebview to integrate HTML and JavaScript content
* Implementing Touch ID authentication for all security purposes for iPhone 6s and a 4-digit pin lock for
devices iPhone 5s and IPhone b Writing unit test cases, performance analyzing test cases using XCTest
* Used Core Graphics and Core Animation for implementing custom paths with animations Used NSURL
Session for implementing asynchronous requests to handle data from network.
* Implemented Core Location, Annotation and Map kit to show ATM centers based on the current location
using Swift. Implemented monitoring services using Map kit and Core Location framework.
* Used Retrofit to retrieve and upload JSON through a REST web service at the various stages in the app
development cycle and parsing the JSON responses back from the web servers according to the application
* Used Git for continues integration, bug fixing and Source Code Management.
* Worked on debugging the application using ADB Logcat, DDMS.
* Debugged and tested the application on different android devices.
* Responsible for ensuring quality delivery of code through static and dynamic testing techniques.
* Worked closely with QA team with fixing bugs and performance issue.

Environment: Android SDK 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, Java SDK 1.6, Android NDK, JDK 1.7, SQLite 3.8, REST API, GCM,
JSON, Android Studio 3.1.1, Procured, XML, SQLite, Google APIs, Retrofit, GIT, iOS 9, ios10, XCode 7, Git, Test
Flight, Swift all versions and XCTest.

01/2017 - 01/2018
Mobile Developer
Codility Solutions

* As a part of a development team, responsible for developing clean, clear and efficient code.
* Developing applications with Web Service and implementing API Integration.
* Using design patterns to create applications and utilization for business logic.
* Analytically user in maintaining the version control using GIT.
* Consummate collaboration with client, management and other team members to understand the

* Worked on Firebase server to provide various functionality like cloud storage and streaming.
* Responsible for API integration and social-media integration like Facebook, Google, Linked-In, etc.
* Used SQLite to save user healthcare PS, insurance information and optional medication history to refine
the search.
* Used Android content providers for implementing features like sending E-mails, SMS, etc. from the app
and designed GUIs for these applications.
* Worked closely with the testing team.
* Used Dagger2 for injection purpose.
* Work closely with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between mobile
application and web application.
* Foundation, MapIt and Core Location.
* Used core Data to maintain a local SQLite database on user's device for his information and preferences.
* Redesigned several screens including default application landing screen as per newer wireframe.
* Used XML JSON parsing to retrieve data for display from server using REST and soap web services.
* Integrated Map kit API to show multiple pins and annotation views for the nearest locations of all the
* Worked with svn to checkout and update the codebase changes.
* Responsible for creating models and services in conformance with the wsDL'S provided.
* Constructed views using XIB Tiles, storyboard, foundation, UiKit.
* Implemented the flight manager app. which allows the customer to manage their flight schedule using the
* Involved in getting requirements from the engineering team and analyzed the feasibility with the existing
system design.
* Implemented multiple Gesture Recognizers for making user functionality easy.
* Constructing http requests, fetching server response and parsing feeds wherever required.
* Analysis of mobile application code for re-engineering.
* Developed modules implementing payment integration like PayPal and Stripe.
* Experience in managing sessions for video calling and broadcasting with third-party libraries like
QuickBlox, Toolbox, and Twilio.
* Worked with local database SQLite and databases on a server like PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle 10g, 11g
and responsible for writing SQL queries.
* Create and execute test cases in JUnit for unit testing application.

Environment: Java7/6, Android SDK, Android Studio Framework 3.1.1, 2.3.3, SQLite, Windows 10, MongoDB,
MySQL DB, MVC, XML, Google APIs (Direction, Maps, YouTube), iOS 6.0, XML. JSON, XCode, Core Data,
SQLite Manager, SOAP, SVN.

Local Availability

Only available for remote work
Profileimage by Rabail Farrukh Mobile App Developer, Mobile Developer from Mobile App Developer, Mobile Developer