August 2022 "Health Systems Strengthening Project" (BMZ/KFW>15.0 Mio. €)
Multisector Program incl. Construction of 8 health facilities, WASH, Solar electrification
* Spearheading planning, implementation, management, quality assurance, operations support and compliance
to KfW and WHH terms and conditions for 15.0Mio. € Health System strengthening Project (Health facility
constructions/rehabilitations and accompanying measures).
* Development, oversight, monitoring, and reporting on project environmental and social management plan
(ESMP) in line with KfW sustainability guidelines and applicable nation laws and regulations.
* Leading preparation of work plans (multiyear, annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly), procurement plans
(multiyear, annual, quarterly, monthly), budgets and financial forecasts.
* Supporting coordination and communication between the project, WHH country office departments, WHH HQ,
line ministries (MOH, MOPW, MIA) and KfW and local stakeholders.
* Set up of project M & E framework and oversight of data collection for monitoring, evaluation, leaning and
accountability for purpose of improving measures being implemented.
* Responsible for completion and submission of complaint financial report (monthly, quarterly and annual) to KfW
with support of finance teams in Country and at HQ incl. audits, fund disbursements, KfW approvals etc.
* Ensuring project compliance with terms and conditions of KfW/WHH and feedback with respect to contract
management, review of vouchers and payments, request for KfW approvals, procurement, finance reporting,
security & progress reporting, environmental & social reporting, HR management.
* Leading assessments, selection and performance oversight for partners/subcontractor/implementing partners
incl. contract negotiations, amendments, capacity building, cascading of KfW compliance requirements and
escalation of issues if necessary.
* Project set up including project structure, procedures, project financial systems incl. budget amendments.
* Monitoring and reporting of constructions implementations, environmental and social management plan (ESMP)
implementation, grievance mechanisms, designs and supervision by consultants and staff.
* Obtaining government and KfW approvals for construction designs and measures incl. all required permits.
* Updating internal and external project risks in PROMIS and taking steps to proactively address the risks.
* Representation of program and organization, building & sustaining partnerships, stakeholder relationship
management with government officials, ministries, sub-contractors/partners and other NGOs.
* Timely preparation and submission of financial and programmatic to KfW, WHH, government line ministries.
* Team leadership incl. recruitment, staff capacity development, motivation, supervision and overall management
of over 200 multi-disciplinary and culturally diverse team members.
* Leading stakeholder engagement, set up and implementation of the grievance mechanism to ensure full
participation of beneficiaries & affected persons and project sustainability.
* Capacity development for various stakeholders on operation and maintenance, improved nutrition, WASH,
biomedical equipment uses and management.
* Supervision and construction management of 8 health facilities worth 10.0Mio. € and accompanying measures
incl. solar installations, borehole drilling and water system installations and maintenance for health facilities.
* Building & sustaining partnerships and managing stakeholder relationships with NGOs, government, donors etc.
* Coordination of donor missions/trips and joint physical and virtual monitoring (constructions and accompanying
measures) to project sites and meetings with government/other stakeholders.
* Program and organization representation and management of Sout East regional office, 5 field offices & guest
houses and fuel deport including ensuring compliance to administrative, logistic, HR, finance, and security
procedures and improvement of processes & systems (operational work flows).
* Operational support to all projects and field activities incl. project identification & beneficiary selection,
community engagement, communication, monitoring, evaluation and learning across all WHH projects.