Programming/Scripting Languages
Ruby 1.9.x and 2.x.x, , C, C++, Java, Javascript, Coffeescript, HAML, Slim, ERB, HTML5, Jquery, CSS, Objective-C.
Rails 3.x.x, 4.x.x, Bootstrap 3, Bacis working of MEAN, AngularJS and ReactJS.
PostgreSql, Mysql, Sqlite3, mongodb.
Auto Testing
Rspec, Cucumber.
ElasticSearch, SolrSearch.
Payment Gateways
Stripe, Paypal, BrainTree
Social Media
FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GoogleAuth, GoogleMaps, GoogleMail, GoogleCalander, GoogleDocs
Version Controll
Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab.
Editors and Tools
Sublime, Rubymine, Cloud9.
Project Management Tools
Asana, Basecamp, Jira, Trello, Redmine, Leangile.
Aplication Server
Unicorn, Puma, Thin, Passenger.
Web Server
Apache, Nginx.
VM with any unix flawor.
Gem used
devise, authlogic, activeadmin, active_merchant, rails_admin, paperclip, carrierwave, capistrano, nokogiri, will-paginate, kaminari, bootstrap-sass, twitter-bootstrap-rails, omniauth, omniauth-google-oauth2, omniauth-facebook, omniauth-twitter, omniauth, openid, koala, oauth2, fbgraph, capybara, thin, passenger, cancan, pundit, geocoder, gmaps4rails, activemerchant, stripe-rails, rolify, private_pub, act_as_votable, wicked_pdf, acts_as_tenant, symbolize, friendly_id, delayed_job, act-as-taggable-on, shoulda_matchers, latter_opner, google_visulr, fullcalender-rails, pry, toastr-rails, devise_security_extention.
Project history
Listing some of my work for quick referrence. Please find my CV attached for more details.
Server Side: Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2.2.
Database: PostgreSql
Client Side: ERB, JavaScript, jQuery.
A social platform for school teachers, parents, students. Students can create group, can discuss topics in group, can follow users, can add book to account, can post quote and card on wall.
Role: Development, Requirement analysis, Deployment, Code review.
Team Size: 2
Server Side: Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.0
Database: PostgreSql
Client Side: HAML, coffescript, jQuery, Ajax
Drive is a web application containing admin and user roles, where admin can add users, events and activities. These things could be separated by cohorts. It also provides filtering by cohorts. While on user side the application allows them to create a basic profile and view the events and activities related to the cohort. It also notifies the users via an email if some new event or activity is been created.
Developed using pure TDD approach.
Role: Development, Client communication, Requrment analysis.
Team Size: 2
TodoList demo API
Server Side: Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.1.1.
Database: Mysql2
Client Side: ERB, JavaScript, jQuery.
TODO List application is for saving to do tasks for day and complete them.
Every task has points associated to it. Social module of application has facebook
like friends mechanism. User can invite contacts to use application.
Role: Development of APIs, Deployment, Deployent.
Team Size: 1
Server Side: Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2.2.
Database: PostgreSql
Client Side: ERB, JavaScript, jQuery.
RemedySocial is a medical application that allows users to give health tests added by Admin. Based on that test user will get full health diagnosys along with lab tests, consultaion advice, reference articles, long term health score, risk of common diseases and a custom detailed pdf report. It is built using Rails + AngularJS.
Role: Development of APIs, Requrment analysis, Deployment, Code review.
Team Size: 2
Server Side: Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2.2.
Database: PostgreSql
Client Side: ERB, JavaScript, jQuery.
A social platform for school teachers, parents, students. Students can create group, can discuss topics in group, can follow users, can add book to account, can post quote and card on wall.
Role: Development, Requirement analysis, Deployment, Code review.
Team Size: 2
Server Side: Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.0
Database: PostgreSql
Client Side: HAML, coffescript, jQuery, Ajax
Drive is a web application containing admin and user roles, where admin can add users, events and activities. These things could be separated by cohorts. It also provides filtering by cohorts. While on user side the application allows them to create a basic profile and view the events and activities related to the cohort. It also notifies the users via an email if some new event or activity is been created.
Developed using pure TDD approach.
Role: Development, Client communication, Requrment analysis.
Team Size: 2
TodoList demo API
Server Side: Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.1.1.
Database: Mysql2
Client Side: ERB, JavaScript, jQuery.
TODO List application is for saving to do tasks for day and complete them.
Every task has points associated to it. Social module of application has facebook
like friends mechanism. User can invite contacts to use application.
Role: Development of APIs, Deployment, Deployent.
Team Size: 1
Server Side: Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2.2.
Database: PostgreSql
Client Side: ERB, JavaScript, jQuery.
RemedySocial is a medical application that allows users to give health tests added by Admin. Based on that test user will get full health diagnosys along with lab tests, consultaion advice, reference articles, long term health score, risk of common diseases and a custom detailed pdf report. It is built using Rails + AngularJS.
Role: Development of APIs, Requrment analysis, Deployment, Code review.
Team Size: 2
Local Availability
Only available in these countries:
Currently located in India and ready to relocate any where on the Earth.