Senior Consultant - Portfolio Specialist
Programming, Embedded C, C++, Python, Assembly, coding, AVR, Arduino, RaspberryPi, CAN, LIN, Flexray, Ethernet, I2C, UART, SPI, PLM, Requirements gathering, Application design & development, AUTOSAR, embedded system, Telecommunication, FAT, SNF, automation testing, C programming
Project history
* Working as AUTOSAR portfolio specialist in R&D department
* Expertise in AUTOSAR models development, Verification & Validation and Report generation
* Contributing member of AUTOSAR consortium for Methods & Manifest group for adaptive AUTOSAR
* Part of defining "Industrial Process Experience" scenarios
* Developed connection of AUTOSAR Builder and Raspberry-Pi for virtual simulation of AUTOSAR
Models along with integration of sensors and actuators
* Proficiency in end-to-end Automotive system development, Requirements gathering, Verification
& Validation through simulation and automation testing, Report Generation
* Expertise in handling multiples tools for modelling system of system architecture, electronics
and electrical architecture and Software architecture
* Liaising with customers globally
* Expertise in Embedded C programming
* Part of core technical team, acting as pre-sales consultant, customer technical support &
responsible for technical presentations & demos
* Expertise in AUTOSAR models development, Verification & Validation and Report generation
* Contributing member of AUTOSAR consortium for Methods & Manifest group for adaptive AUTOSAR
* Part of defining "Industrial Process Experience" scenarios
* Developed connection of AUTOSAR Builder and Raspberry-Pi for virtual simulation of AUTOSAR
Models along with integration of sensors and actuators
* Proficiency in end-to-end Automotive system development, Requirements gathering, Verification
& Validation through simulation and automation testing, Report Generation
* Expertise in handling multiples tools for modelling system of system architecture, electronics
and electrical architecture and Software architecture
* Liaising with customers globally
* Expertise in Embedded C programming
* Part of core technical team, acting as pre-sales consultant, customer technical support &
responsible for technical presentations & demos
Local Availability
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