Profileimage by Surbhi Rathod .net Develpoer from

Surbhi Rathod


Last update: 02.06.2017

.net Develpoer

Graduation: Bechalor of engineering in computer engineering
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Hindi (Limited professional)


My Skills In this fields are I know very well and i also know the html,javascript,css,linq,sql server,entity framework.
I have 6 month experience in this field.

Project history

I have done one  project in this field and that is placement plus. In this I Create on web application that is Placement plus, in which students can upload their Resume and Find appropriate job. Companies can View the Students and send the Email for Job interview to appropriate students.

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: India
Profileimage by Surbhi Rathod .net Develpoer from .net Develpoer