Client METRO GROUP MGI Düsseldorf Germany
Client Description Retail FI Logistics & HR
Project Real TR, Media Markt, Kaufhof Galeria, Metro DE TR PL
Date 01.06.2006 - 27.01.2008
Project CTA (Common Template Accounting)
Role Technical Consultant / Solution Architect
Deliverables * Reports and transactions (for module pool) in the
enhancements area.
* Reports and transactions (for module pool) in the migration
area (Batch input or Direct input (RFBIBL** for FI and
* CCMS statistics monitoring from BASIS module application.
* Solving/developing/debugging custom applications, (short
dumps, error logs from system).
* FI/CO Customizing (medium level).
* Roll out in the Finance Area for Hong Kong and Turkey
(reports adjustment for country needs - Unicode program
* ABAP Support (user exists) for the Special Purpose ledger
area (Not for NEW GL implementations).
* Support for Audit Logs
* Authorization Concept support (system Trace)
* SapScript for Balance confirmation letter -> triggered by SAP
standard SAPF130D program.
* SapScript for standard Cash Jurnal FBCJ transaction.
* SapScript for dunning level I, II, II for F150 standard
transaction + customizing
* Smatform for Hong Kong (Unicode font) for invoice/Credit
memo triggered by custom application.
* Smartform for Invoice with built in calculations for relevant tax
amount, gross and net amount, currency depending. (coding
inside the form )
* ABAP Helpdesk Support for 32 Countries (Metro Cash and
* Security audit log Application(ABAP) - developing and
* Kaufhof Galeria GMBH - Sap Notes implementation, Dunning
* Metro Croatia - developing payment program for standard
transaction (for modifying the MT100 BANK File)
* Metro Russia, Japan, Denmark - ABAP support for Special
Ledger module
* Metro Portugal - Performance analysis for standard
programs using large amount of records (BSIS, BSIK,
Client OMV Petrom Oil & Gas Austria / Romania
Client Description One of the largest distributor and extractor of Oil & Gas
Project ERP Template Harmonization