Profileimage by Tulio LuvisonCarvalho SAP ABAP Sr Consultant from Votorantim

Tulio Luvison Carvalho


Last update: 06.09.2022

SAP ABAP Sr Consultant

Graduation: Bachelor in Information System
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Full Professional) | Portuguese (Native or Bilingual)


CV TulioLC - EN.docx


  • Experience as a SAP ABAP consultant, working for more than 12 years in the development of improvements and creation of new products of Batch Input, BAPI, ALV report, ITS Mobile, EXITs, Enhancement Point, function module, BAdI, SAPScript, ONLINE, RFC, ABAP OO, interfaces, Mastersaf, SET of data and extensions, NF-e, BAdI for SPED, EFD, DEBUG of programs 'Z' and Standard for modules SRM, CLM, BW, FI, HR, CO, MM, SD , PP, QM, PM and PS as well as development of tests, documentation and specification of the products developed.
  • International experience in the English language, having lived in Australia for a period of 5 months, living with people of different nationalities and with a day to day completely different from the Brazilian standard, including the respect and appreciation of the way of life and culture. Study at the English school Sarina Russo School Australia, taking the General English course and the Cambridge Certificate of FCE (First Certificate in English) course.

Project history

08/2019 - Present
SAP ABAP Consultant
Grupo Petrópolis (Consumer goods and retail, >10.000 employees)

Implementation project of new government NT (Technical Note) 2019.001 as well as adjustment in BADI used to fill Brazilian XML to be sent to SEFAZ. Adjustment in CT-e print form to show QR Code accordingly. Implementation project for PRODEP, PRODEIC, Minas Gerais tax state benefit. Performance tuning in Z, namespace and standard transactions/programs as well as treatment for SAP support team to solve any kind of problem in SAP Production line System.

10/2019 - 10/2019
ZF do Brasil (Industry and mechanical engineering, 500-1000 employees)

Creation of reports for PP and QM. Creation of Batch-Input programs for and adaptations and creations of Field-Exit, User-Exit and BAdI to QM for validations and locks according to requests for the company's business. Forms maintenance in SAPScript and Smartform. In addition to the QM module, functional operations were carried out, such as data collection, customizations and test realizations for verification of functionalities and verification of results of the changes and programs developed. Works executed in the SAP ECC 6.0 EhP4 version.

02/2019 - 05/2019
SAP ABAP Consultant
Farmacias Onofre (Pharmaceuticals and medical technology, 50-250 employees)

Automation and optimization of the purchase order process, as well as goods receipt and blind counting, with order tracking cockpit.

12/2018 - 02/2019
SAP ABAP Consultant
EMS Farmaceutica (Pharmaceuticals and medical technology, 1000-5000 employees)

Special taxation scheme, where NC Group companies manufacture, pack and sell to other companies in the same free zone group, for tax exemption.

05/2018 - 05/2018
SAP ABAP Consultant
JCB do Brasil (Automotive and vehicle construction, 250-500 employees)

Implementation project of error correction in NF-e 3.0 working together with SD functional and parallelly with PI consultant to, together, identify the errors shown, adjust the correct parts to provide the proper solution to GO-LIVE.

12/2015 - 12/2017
SAP ABAP Consultant
Grupo Petrópolis (Consumer goods and retail, >10.000 employees)

Implementation project of the release strategy, approval groups and adjustment of all objects to achieve the client's project objective. Improvement developments for the TRM, FI, CO, SD and MM modules. Professional SAP ABAP support service, working on maintenance and improvements of SAP Production System, solve urgent issues and any other that may appear.

10/2015 - 12/2015
SAP ABAP Consultant
BMW Group (Automotive and vehicle construction, 500-1000 employees)

Project to implement changes in the NF-e for the collection of ICMS in interstate operation, implementation of the K block and adjustments related to asset data, all with adjustments to the MasterSAF interfaces.

07/2015 - 10/2015
SAP ABAP Consultant
Nidera (Energy, water and environment, 250-500 employees)

Creation of virtual centers for receiving and distributing imports.

04/2015 - 07/2015
SAP ABAP Consultant
Medabil (Architecture and civil engineering, 500-1000 employees)

Support for creating new tab in transactions VF01 and VF02. Implementation of improvements to the ETO process. Improvements and development of princing and exits of SD.

03/2015 - 04/2015
SAP ABAP Consultant
Lear do Brasil (Automotive and vehicle construction, 250-500 employees)

Implantation of a new collector solution for WM through ITS Mobile.

12/2014 - 03/2015
SAP ABAP Consultant
Atlas Schindler (Industry and mechanical engineering, 250-500 employees)

Project NFe 3.10. Migration from version 2.0 of the XML to version 3.10, changing the fill layout and matching tables for this process, correcting SEFAZ return errors and checking for NF-e Monitor handling and behavior. Go-live and post-live support in NF-e solution 3.10.

10/2013 - 12/2014
SAP ABAP Consultant
Gerdau (Industry and mechanical engineering, 1000-5000 employees)

SAP ECC 6.06 upgrade and roll out all around Brazil plants, attendance of defects and demands of roll-out and upgrade projects, participating in waves 1, 2 and 3, from the development stage through Go-Live testing and follow-up. We have been working with ITS Mobile, serving the most diverse types of developments, defects and new demands that have become necessary.

06/2013 - 10/2013
SAP ABAP Consultant
Claro (Telecommunications, 500-1000 employees)

Customer development services Of course, making punctual adjustments, analyzes, estimates, as well as functional help to achieve technical feasibility and errors in standard and Z transactions to perform corrections.

07/2012 - 10/2012
SAP ABAP Consultant
Brasil Kirin (Schincariol) (Consumer goods and retail, >10.000 employees)

'Z' program maintenance which is part of logistic panel, dealing with CT-e as well as CTRC from the delivery order. It checks if it's delivery has been concluded to release the payment of delivery partner. Process adjustment to batch processing of data sent by the partners by Schinparceiros website and individual treatment to CT-e. Package adjustment from NF-e 10.0 monitor. Improvement in timing deliver by customer as well as change the sales order date.

02/2012 - 07/2012
SAP ABAP Consultant
Gafisa (Architecture and civil engineering, 1000-5000 employees)

Development of interfaces for data selection and communication with IP to send the information to the database that use it in the sales portal of the company. Alteration of programs involving the FI-LOANS process and correction of programs to report income, such as IR, for correct calculation of values. Correction in transaction Z for automation of the process of transactions FF63, FF.D and F111. Correction of the program for uploading the Itaú bank file containing the payment information DDA. Program adjustments for running the F110S for multiple companies. Program adjustment for distraction automation of customer contracts. Analysis and estimation of program change 'Z' for PS module.

07/2011 - 02/2012
SAP ABAP Consultant
Klabin (Industry and mechanical engineering, 1000-5000 employees)

Modification of programs for the execution of existing processes in the Forestry area, for the generation of processes of planting, exploration and sale of wood, making the whole process of entry of merchandise until its reversal. Development of programs to maintain fleet of vehicles and equipment, determining their status, which equipment, cost center and equipment or workshop where the equipment in question is in use, involving the Forest area and the PM module.

04/2011 - 07/2011
SAP ABAP Consultant
LETNIS Business Solutions (Internet and Information Technology, 10-50 employees)

Correction of errors found in NF-e XML generation. Application of Notes to update the environment to generate the files for SPED PIS / COFINS.

05/2011 - 05/2011
SAP ABAP Consultant
IPEL Industria de Pinceis e Embalagens (Consumer goods and retail, 50-250 employees)

Adjustments of the problems encountered in DANFE by correcting values not displayed correctly and showing new information in the ITEM description field. Changes made to the Smartform and the data selection program. Correction in the BAdI file generation for sending the SPED Fiscal, for correct file validation.

04/2011 - 05/2011
SAP ABAP Consultant
Harald Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos (Consumer goods and retail, 50-250 employees)

Correction of TXT file generated for sending to Itaú bank to schedule payments to be made.

04/2011 - 04/2011
SAP ABAP Consultant
Aptar B&H Embalagens (Consumer goods and retail, 50-250 employees)

Correction of printing problems in DANFE by correcting value fields in the program, in the Smartform layout and in the BAdI responsible for NF-e.

07/2010 - 09/2010
SAP ABAP Consultant
Abbott Laboratórios (Pharmaceuticals and medical technology, 250-500 employees)

Change in output layout for NF-e XML in pw.Nfe program exits. BAPI mapping for integration with Lotus Notes. Analysis of program for inventory book generation.

06/2010 - 07/2010
SAP ABAP Consultant
Softtek Consultoria (Internet and Information Technology, 250-500 employees)

AMS: Attending to several clients such as Nycomed, Atento, LeitBom, Globe Metals, FMC Technologies, Gerdau, Produquimica, Stiefel, HalexIstar, Group Cereal, CCR Group, Syngenta, in others. Service of the same in the cell of shared service provision, attending to any type of call, attending from program analysis, support to functional consultants to change and development estimates.

05/2010 - 05/2010
SAP ABAP Consultant
AMBEV (Consumer goods and retail, 1000-5000 employees)

Support, enhancements and analysis for FI, CO, QM, PM and MM modules.

06/2009 - 11/2009
SAP ABAP Consultant
Softtek Consultoria (Internet and Information Technology, 250-500 employees)

Attending to several clients such as Nycomed, Atento, LeitBom, Globe Metals, FMC Technologies, Gerdau, Produquimica, Stiefel, HalexIstar, Group Cereal, CCR Group, Syngenta, in others. Service of the same in the cell of shared service provision, attending to any type of call, attending from program analysis, support to functional consultants to change and development estimates.

04/2009 - 06/2009
SAP ABAP Consultant
Liquigás Distribuidora (Energy, water and environment, 250-500 employees)

Maintenance of programs for the generation of files sent to banks for registration / unsubscribing of customers' automatic debit. Maintenance of ALV reports, adapting them to the new layout requested by the functional analyst. Creation of programs to update values in 'Z' tables and tables of type DBLINK.

10/2008 - 02/2009
SAP ABAP Consultant
Cadbury Adams do Brasil (Consumer goods and retail, 250-500 employees)

Participation of Roll Out for Latin America and migration from version 4.6C to version ECC 6.0. Performance in the FI, CO, MM, WF and SD modules. Creating SET data for use in programs, such as reports. Maintenance of Exit MV45AFZZ for ECC 6.0 compliance. Maintenance of program to load data on UNIX server. Maintenance of BAdI for MIGO and MB04 transactions for subcontracting scenario.

02/2008 - 09/2008
SAP ABAP Consultant
Campari do Brasil (Consumer goods and retail, 250-500 employees)

Maintenance of SAPScript, for adjustment of NF to the new charge of ICMS-ST and change of form to order of delivery. Creation and maintenance of extensions for BW, working in includes for extractors of CO, FI and SD modules to load data from SAP R / 3 to SAP BW. Creation and maintenance of RFC for integration with extractor for BW. Development of routines and procedures within the SAP BW module. Maintenance of the generation of Tax Books and Books Reason for the new ICMS Tax Replacement.

01/2008 - 02/2008
SAP ABAP Consultant
Syngenta (Energy, water and environment, 250-500 employees)

Maintenance of Batch Input for FI module to load external values through CSV file. Creation of ONLINE program for collector of data for handling of goods in stock.

01/2008 - 01/2008
SAP ABAP Consultant
Perdigão (BR Foods) (Consumer goods and retail, 500-1000 employees)

Creation of ALV report for HR module, such as data of employees with salary change and change of load with salary change.

12/2007 - 12/2007
SAP ABAP Consultant
Paranapanema (Industry and mechanical engineering, 500-1000 employees)

Creation of ALV report for the MM module to control ship contracting logistics.

10/2007 - 11/2007
SAP ABAP Consultant
Atento (Telecommunications, 250-500 employees)

Creation of Batch Input for insertion of data for the FI and MM modules, for mass release strategy load.

Local Availability

Only available in these countries: Brazil
Profileimage by Tulio LuvisonCarvalho SAP ABAP Sr Consultant from Votorantim SAP ABAP Sr Consultant