Profileimage by Valentin Caceres Full Stack MERN Web Developer from VillaCarlosPaz

Valentin Caceres


Last update: 29.03.2023

Full Stack MERN Web Developer

Graduation: Full Stack Web Developer
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional) | Spanish (Native or Bilingual)


Web Development Mern HTML JavaScript (Programming Language) Bootstrap (Software) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Github MongoDB Node.Js ReactJS + 3 more keywords




Back-end development, Bootstrap, CSS, Express.js, Git, Github, HTML, Javascript, MERN, MongoDB, Node.js, React.js, Web Developer

Project history

01/2022 - 12/2023
Full Stack MERN Web Developer

Minga Front-end and Back-end development in team projects:
Minga was a project I led. It's a comic and manga reading site with
functionality for normal users, authors, companies, and admin

Minga View was a project I Front led. View It's a comic and manga reading siteBack
with functionality for normal users, authors, companies, and
admin functionality.


Full Stack Web Developer

Local Availability

Open to travel worldwide


Hello, how are you? I am Valentin, Full Stack Web Developer at M.E.R.N. (Mongo, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, HTML, CSS). I am trained to have a great performance in both frontend and backend. My facility and adaptability to work as a team and individually could be useful to your work team.

I can highlight my ability to take the role of leader if the situation requires it, in addition to my great charisma that makes my relationship with my coworkers and friends the best, plus my competitiveness, which makes me always seek to improve.

Why would you consider me?
My attitude could add positively to a development team, as well as to problem solving in this same field.

If you are interested do not hesitate to contact me!
Profileimage by Valentin Caceres Full Stack MERN Web Developer from VillaCarlosPaz Full Stack MERN Web Developer