Profileimage by Vladislav Pishchaev React, Redux, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS from Chelyabinsk

Vladislav Pishchaev

partly available

Last update: 22.10.2024

React, Redux, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS

Graduation: electornic devices production
Hourly-/Daily rates: show
Languages: English (Limited professional)




Dear Sirs.

My name Vlad Pischaev. I'm Frontend developer.
My experience and knowledge:
- JS, TSt, HTML (pug), CSS (sass, scss), 
- React, Redux, Redux-toolkit, RTK-query, 
- MongoDB, Node, Express, Svelte
That’s what I’ve been doing for the last three years
Commercial experience about 3+ years:
- online helper service (React, Redux-toolkit, Mongodb, express, uses WebSocket, ServiceWorker)
- now I am working half a year as a self-employed in the project (VK application - React, Redux. 
  My part is refactoring and editing of the editor of landing pages, 
  extension of functionality, integration with the project)
- also volunteer in the project

english - b1

Project history

Local Availability

Open to travel worldwide
chalyabinsk, ru
Profileimage by Vladislav Pishchaev React, Redux, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS from Chelyabinsk React, Redux, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS