CategoryMarketing & Clients

Marketing tips for freelancers and entrepreneurs. Learn how to market yourself, how to attract the right clients, or how to leverage social media or e-mail marketing!

Agile Methodologies Explained: Definition & Examples

Tackling a project with the help of Agile methods has gotten increasingly popular in the last few years in software development. Agile is essentially a philosophy for the way projects should be done. However, there are also some strict rules when following the particular line of thought that Agile stands for. And while working with it can be the...

Freelance Profile: What to Include, Tips and Examples

Your freelance profile plays a key role in your client acquisition strategy. More often than not, it’s the first thing potential clients and recruiters will see, so it needs to make an impression. What should you write in your freelancer profile and how can it help you set yourself apart from other freelancers? Continue reading to find out!

Freelance BIO: Your Freelance Profile Description + Bio examples

A freelance bio is an important part of your freelance profile and is crucial when it comes to introducing yourself to clients. Not only can it help you show up on relevant search results for freelancers, it can also tell your clients a lot about you. Continue reading to learn how to write a good freelancer profile description and find examples...

What is Upskilling and Why Freelancers Should Do It Too

In an incredibly competitive job market, it helps to have an edge over fellow freelancers. But with companies moving increasingly toward digital operations, do you have the right skill set to meet their requirements? Upskilling is the key to remaining desirable as the workplace evolves, and this post will show you how to do it.

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