
Life is meant to be lived. Ideas and tips for achieving a healthy work-life balance, staying motivated and creative, working remotely, being a digital nomad, and most importantly, enjoying free time.

Freelance Productivity Management: Tips, Techniques & Tools

Productivity and time management often pose a significant challenge for freelancers and self-employed individuals. Who doesn't know the feeling of asking oneself "Why has everything been left undone again?" just before the end of the workday? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of freelance productivity, offering practical...

The Most Interesting Types of Freelance Insurance

As someone running their own business, insurance is definitely something you should consider. Whether you want to protect your equipment, your work itself or against any potential injuries, there are tons of freelance and self-employed insurance options out there. However, what do they all mean and do you actually need them?

A Freelancer’s Guide To Pension & Retirement

Being a freelancer may come with a lot of perks, but unfortunately, an automatic workplace pension isn’t one of them. While employees at a company can sign up for their company’s pension scheme, freelancers are in charge of arranging their own pension and putting aside money to contribute towards their future.

10 Awesome Facebook Pages to Follow as a Tech-Loving Freelancer

Technology and freelancing have a lot in common – they are fresh, fascinating and as dynamic as it gets. Things that are extremely relevant today will probably only be remembered through photos five years from now. Staying on top of all those developments and keeping a positive outlook as a freelancer while learning new things can be tricky...

What Is A Coworking Space? Options and Potential

Coworking spaces have been trending in the past few years. It’s easy to see why – their flexibility is exactly what freelancers need. Being part of one can help you get in touch with other professionals, expanding your network. And, for people like me who are easily distracted at home, coworking spaces provide a semi-regular schedule and an...

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