Since networking is the backbone of freelancing, oftentimes you’ll find yourself giving out freelancer referrals for clients projects – and sometimes you’ll even receive a referral fee for your effort. While there is nothing necessarily wrong with paid referrals, it’s important that they’re done right!
Rush Fees: When, Why & How to Use Them as a Freelancer
All freelancers (and anyone who has worked for a living, for that matter) have been put in situations when a client wants a project to be done yesterday. These kinds of rush jobs can be very inconvenient but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be compensated for it. Here’s why and how you should be using rush fees as a freelancer.
Freelancer vs. Employee: Who Earns More?
Often times, when people consider making the move to freelancing, one of the first lines of inquiry is whether they'd make more or less working on their own than in a typical 9-to-5 full-time job. So do freelancers make more money than regular employees?
How to Set Your Rates as a Freelancer
All freelancers have one challenge in common: setting a reasonable hourly rate. Beginners in particular often have a hard time deciding their hourly rate. Read on to avoid making rookie mistakes when it comes to setting your freelance rates!
Freelance Challenges: Major Problems & How To Deal With Them
Freelancers face a lot of challenges in their day-to-day lives. How do we know what our community on finds difficult? It’s simple, we asked you!
Four Signs You’re Underpricing Your Freelance Rates
One of the most challenging parts of being a freelancer is trying to accurately set your rates. There is a fine line between overpricing and underpricing your services which is something that can be difficult to achieve.
How to Package Your Freelance Services in 4 Simple Steps
If you’re a freelancer with a wide range of skills and abilities, it can be tricky to showcase the different services your business offers. While freelancing is growing like crazy, it’s still not a concept that everybody knows inside out. What’s an easier way to showcase your services?
Negotiating a Freelancer Raise – Tips & Email Sample
Asking for an increase in pay can be uncomfortable for most, if not a risky call. But sometimes, it’s also necessary if you want to grow and define yourself as a successful freelancer. It is important not to undersell yourself and your services. Each year you gain more experience and strive to do a better job – so why shouldn’t this reflect on...
How to Deal with Client Revisions as a Freelancer
One of the most frustrating challenges for many freelancers is dealing with repeated client requests for revisions on a project. This is a factor you need to be prepared to deal with on a regular basis - so check out our tips to dealing with client revisions properly.
How to Correctly Quote for a WordPress Project
Many of you have chosen Freelancing as your living. And trust me, I know how important it is for you to get clients attention and trust. “Quote” is a term for estimated pricing a freelancer or a company will be charging to its client. Quoting is an art and as a freelancer, you must master it.