Unique value, added value, unique selling point - all of these terms mean one and the same thing: the unique selling proposition or "USP" for short. But what exactly is behind this term? How do you find your USP and what does it have to do with successful customer acquisition? We will answer these and many other questions in this article.
Building A Personal Brand & Freelance Online Presence: Tips & Examples
You may think that branding is only useful for big companies, but it is actually a very powerful tool that freelancers can use to boost their career. Not only can it help increase conversion rates, it also helps freelancers land higher paying clients. So how does one go about building their personal brand and online presence? Continue reading to...
Having a Freelance Website For Your Business: Yes or No?
Having a freelance website can be very beneficial as it helps you to showcase your skills and portfolio, establish your brand, and attract potential clients. A freelance website can also make it easier for clients to find you and can serve as a hub for your online presence. On the other hand, creating a website (and maintaining it) needs time and...
Freelance BIO: Your Freelance Profile Description + Bio examples
A freelance bio is an important part of your freelance profile and is crucial when it comes to introducing yourself to clients. Not only can it help you show up on relevant search results for freelancers, it can also tell your clients a lot about you. Continue reading to learn how to write a good freelancer profile description and find examples...
Self-Marketing Tips And Tricks: How To Promote Yourself As A Freelancer
Self-marketing may not be easy, but it is essential for success. And it’s not something that you do when you have little to no work, it should be a part of your daily routine. It’s all about showing people what you can do, what your skills are and what you bring to the table. Read on to find tips on how best to promote yourself as a freelancer!
Interview Questions To Expect As A Front-End Developer
It’s that time of the year again - you’re back on the job market and are ready to begin your search for new opportunities. You’ve scoped out possibilities through your own personal networks and have scrolled through numerous job boards looking for front-end developer jobs. The phone rings and when you answer, you hear the voice of a recruitment...
Nine Non-Intimidating Tips for Freelance Networking
Networking: a simple word, which, weirdly enough, stresses out a lot of freelancers. Freelance networking can be frustrating but it’s also extremely important. Having the right contacts can open doors that otherwise remain closed, especially to a freelancer.
How to Use GitHub as a Freelancer
GitHub is a platform that brings all of the world’s developers together and gets them create projects together. Easy, often open-source collaboration with lots of documentation has helped GitHub revolutionize teamwork for coding and development.
How to Find Your Niche in Freelancing
It’s often better to be a master of one trade than jack of all. In freelancing, finding your niche can have an extremely positive impact on your career. If you’re very good in a specific field of your work which you also enjoy doing more than others, making use of this niche is the best way to take your business to the next level.
Mastering Self-Evaluation: A Freelancer’s Guide to Growth and Success
The end of a year can be a special time for many people. It might seem silly that we chose a certain day and thought to ourselves: “Out with the old, in with the new”- but this is how our brains work. We like to think in closed periods of time. And that can be quite helpful to a freelancer’s business.