The Freelance Business Month (FBM), taking place each October, is an initiative designed to unite the freelance ecosystem and show the power of growing independent businesses. Learn more!
Do I need a university degree to be freelancer?
It’s not easy being a successful freelancer. You need courage, entrepreneurial spirit, a high degree of motivation, and skills in which you really excel. Do you also need a university degree?
Why Google Go Should be the Next Programming Language you Learn
Google’s Go has gone from a curiosity in the programming world to a language that many wouldn’t hesitate to label as “the next big thing”. Is it worth it to learn this programming language?
10 Skills Which No Freelancer Can Do Without
We often talk about how many things are needed to be successful as a freelancer, but we rarely say which exactly, mainly because they really are a lot. Everybody who has tried out being a freelancer for at least a year or two, knows just how vast the required skill set can be.
My journey into self-taught development: From Watchman to Web Developer
Learning to code is becoming very popular and needed. There is a huge demand for web developers and this makes the idea of learning how to code on your own very interesting. Is it possible to become a web developer simply learning at home?