Working from home has many benefits: you dictate your own hours, no time is wasted commuting to the office, there’s no one watching over your shoulder. And, best of all, you’re home to receive the mail – goodbye trips to the post office! However, working at home also comes with its own set of challenges: it can be overwhelmingly solitary, the urge...
Becoming A Digital Nomad: Tips, Checklists And Places To Visit
Experiencing different cultures, broadening horizons, and never having a dull moment while traveling and working around the world sounds very tempting and somewhat utopian. But believe it or not, it’s actually doable! If you are a freelancer interested in becoming a digital nomad, traveling and working full time at the same time is easy with a...
Freelance Challenges: Major Problems & How To Deal With Them
Freelancers face a lot of challenges in their day-to-day lives. How do we know what our community on finds difficult? It’s simple, we asked you!
The Future Of Work: Workplace Trends To Watch Out For In 2023
With the pandemic bringing the world to a standstill, work schedules and routines were turned upside down in almost all industries around the globe. Many companies were forced to make drastic changes which resulted in the reshaping of work as we know it. This article explores trends surrounding the modern workplace and talks about the future of...
Freelance Work Retreat: Analyse, Set Goals and Boost your Business
There are a few things that can be as helpful to a business as taking the time to look back and think about what you are and have been doing. This is especially true for freelancers.
Impostor Syndrome: What Is It And How To Deal With It
Have you ever felt like you aren't good enough or that you aren’t capable of getting the job done? If so, you are not alone. This feeling of "not being able to" has a name: impostor syndrome. It is a phenomenon that is scientifically proven to exist and that can be treated in psychology when you fully believe that you are not capable of doing...
Taking a Freelance Holiday: How to Plan Time Off Without Sacrificing Your Business
As the holiday season approaches, there are many marketing opportunities that present themselves to freelancers. And while throughout the rest of the year, marketing might be a pain, it can be surprisingly fun during the holidays. Injecting a bit of holiday spirit into your customer interactions helps you nurture your business relationships by...
Work And Private Life: How Freelancers Can Achieve The Perfect Balance
Harmonizing your work and your private life is what work-life balance is all about. However, in our increasingly interconnected lives, the process of separating the two is becoming more and more difficult. In this article, you’ll learn all about what a good work-life balance is and how you, as a freelancer, can achieve this balance.
Freelancing With Children: Tips & Tricks
Many people go into freelancing because they want to spend more time with their children at home – and that’s a wonderful thing. Making a living and taking care of your children at the same time hasn’t really been possible for the masses until now.
6 Habits to Face the Day With the Best Mood
As freelancers, we know the importance of training our minds for self-discipline. Without a fixed routine and no one to watch what we’re doing, it can be easy to become distracted with a bad mood and that can be all the more apparent when we set off on the wrong foot. Habits can be hard to establish but they are not impossible and the benefits we...