CategoryMarketing & Clients

Marketing tips for freelancers and entrepreneurs. Learn how to market yourself, how to attract the right clients, or how to leverage social media or e-mail marketing!

How To Work Remotely From Home: Tips & Strategies

Working from home has many benefits: you dictate your own hours, no time is wasted commuting to the office, there’s no one watching over your shoulder. And, best of all, you’re home to receive the mail – goodbye trips to the post office! However, working at home also comes with its own set of challenges: it can be overwhelmingly solitary, the urge...

Working With Freelancers: Hiring, Onboarding & Management

Freelancing has gone from “niche” to “trend” to basically a worldwide standard in the last ten years. Whether you are a small business owner or the CEO of a huge corporation, the thought of working with freelancers might have crossed your mind over the last couple of years. This article will explain everything you need to know about hiring a...

Rush Fees: When, Why & How to Use Them as a Freelancer

All freelancers (and anyone who has worked for a living, for that matter) have been put in situations when a client wants a project to be done yesterday. These kinds of rush jobs can be very inconvenient but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be compensated for it. Here’s why and how you should be using rush fees as a freelancer.

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