While freelancing is lucrative and provides loads of flexibility, it also comes with several cybersecurity risks. After all, freelancers don’t have the luxury of having a designated cybersecurity department to help them the way traditional employees do. Learn cybersecurity risks freelancers are exposed to and how to protect yourself and your data.
Business Bank Accounts For Small Businesses And Freelancers
Whether you’re a freelancing guru or someone who has just started out on their own, the one thing you’ll need to keep in mind as you manage finances is a bank account. What, where, and how? We’ve got you covered! Read on to find out more about banking for freelancers!
Freelancing in a Recession: 9 Survival Tips to Help You Thrive
Carefully planning out your survival strategy can help your freelancing gig not only survive a recession but thrive for years to come. This article will give you nine all-important survival tips to help you, as a freelancer, thrive during an impending recession.
Working Less and Earning More in Freelancing: 7 Tips
Some freelancers like to put their foot on the gas in the beginning of their career and never let go. However, driving fast all the time might make you crash sooner or later. For a freelancer, that means burning yourself out. Having a freelancing career means freedom and you should make use of that freedom.
Trello for Freelancers: How to Use Trello To Organize your Life & Business
Properly organizing your working life is essential for any freelancer. It will save you tons of time – if you have a good organization set up, you’ll never waste time searching for something. That means you’ll never forget either. Or at least your system won’t.
How to Organize Your Files & Folders As A Freelancer
Organizing your files may sound mundane, but it is actually a helpful skill that can save you a lot of time and stress. Creating an organized structure will help you easily locate and access files at any time. Continue reading if you're looking for the best way to organize your client files and own documents!