A penetration tester, also known as a pen tester, is in charge of examining systems and digital assets for any weaknesses and security vulnerabilities. They launch mock hacks or attacks on systems to check for any issues that may occur. These professionals use a variety of different tools to spot weak spots in a system's defences which attackers...
Cloud Computing vs Traditional IT Infrastructure
Business entrepreneurs must make a multitude of crucial decisions. They have to think about recruitment, website names, expansion, legal considerations, and budgets, to name a few. One thing that should be high on every entrepreneur's list is their IT infrastructure, including the choice between traditional IT infrastructure and cloud computing.
What does an IT Architect do?
In this third addition to our new article series “Career Insights,” we’re talking about IT architects. If you’re interested in a new freelancer career for yourself, or just wondering what an IT architect actually does - this article will include a job description, required skills and exactly what salaries you can expect in this role!
What Does An SRE Engineer Do?
An SRE engineer, or Site Reliability Engineer, is responsible for the availability, performance, and efficiency of company websites and applications. They work closely with developers, QA engineers, system administrators, operations specialists, and others to ensure the system meets industry best practices and required standards. What does an SRE...
What Does A Program Manager Do?
The duties and responsibilities of program managers vary from company to company, but common duties include project strategy, quality control, performance reporting, change management, and risk planning. A good candidate will have all of these skills and more, in addition to being a good leader who can coordinate with multiple teams.
What does an IT Coordinator do?
In our modern age of digitalization and IoT, computers and the Internet are absolutely indispensable when it comes to running a business. Since almost everything is hooked up to digital machines and IT-based systems, a small glitch in even one of the systems, or a network issue can halt daily business operations. This is where IT Coordinators come...
What does a NOC Engineer do?
A NOC engineer is primarily responsible for setting up, managing and monitoring a network from any centralized location. They perform a back-end role and have experience with servers, networking and IT work. Let’s take a closer look at the role of a NOC engineer!
What does a Citrix Administrator do?
A Citrix administrator is primarily in charge of managing and looking after Citrix applications. They perform daily health checks on Citrix server farms and are responsible for the maintenance, continuous support and further development of these servers. What does a Citrix administrator do?
What Does A Cloud Architect Do?
Cloud architects are IT all-rounders who specialize in technical issues relating to cloud services. They oversee a company's cloud computing strategy and are in charge of establishing best practices for cloud usage within an organization. What does a cloud architect do?
What Does An Infrastructure Manager Do?
An infrastructure manager is responsible for managing IT infrastructure and maintaining the systems and personnel that are at the core of an organisation. They design and measure key metrics and specialise in computer network infrastructures. What does an infrastructure manager do?